Check Up On The Weak

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Harry's P.O.V

       Harmonie came down with the cold recently and it seems because of her everyone is going through their own personal hell. For me and Ron it's having to listen to her whine about everything involving school and homework and the lot. I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to sneak out and get some personal time without Ron and Hermonie tagging me.

     After sitting around the lake for a while, I got up and went to the great hall to have lunch. Today they were serving my favorite and I wasn't going to miss it. During lunch Ron fainted so he was dragged to the hospital wing. There I met the twins and they were acting really funny.

"Hey Fred, George what are you guys doing here",
"Fred started vomiting so I dragged him here, apperantly he came down with a stomach bug so it's no big deal".

      Damn so its the flu that's going around, I blame Harmonie for this.

Blaise's P.O.V 

        If it's one thing I can say is that the twins are really good at lying and even I wouldn't have been able to come up with something so fast. After Harry left, Draco slowly pulled himself of the examination table and looked at the surroundings before deming it safe and we all exited the hospital wing without looking back. Now that Draco is 15 weeks pregnant, its starting to make him get fat and he hates that with his entire being.

       We retired to Draco's private room where we had some cream puffs and ice cream sundae, but with all the other stuff Draco put on his, there was no way anyone was going to beg him for piece. That sundae was giving disgusting a whole new meaning. Fred and George had their usual fun by spoon feeding Draco and I enjoyed the smile that was plated across his face. There was only two reasons why anyway and I was allowed to enjoy even if everyone else think I shouldn't when they knew nothing at all.

Harry's P.O.V 

        Dumbledore has finally told us a way in which we can distroy old volde but I had to find these objects that the old snake presumably store pieces of his soul in. If these weren't distroyed first then the old bat just couldn't die.

     Ron, Harmonie and I packed all that was necessary for our servival before leaving the school to begin our search. Dumbledore would give this big speech in the morning about how we disappeared with a trace so that no-one suspected anything. We had it all planed out, this was a battle that was going to finish so fast no-one would know what happened until it was finished.

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