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Draco's P.O.V

My father was informed about my sickness and was coming to have a serious talk with me. About three days ago I ran out in the middle of Ms. Macgonagol's class to empty my stomach for what seemed like the umthed time that day. Because of this I was to report to the head master's office and explain myself. Not telling anything usually and always lead you to trouble exempting perfect Potter of course so my father was so mm one to school. I think maybe writing my last note will be good but since faith is such a bitch, father was here a little to early.

Lucius' P.O.V

Draco constantly sick now there must be an explanation as to why running out on almost every class is necessary. As I make my way to the dungeons to have a word with Draco I stopped at Severus office to pick him up. There is no way I'm doing this alone, I knocked on the potion masters door and wait patiently for him to come to the door. At his arrival his long pointed face forever set in that christ-for-sacking scroll, snapped at the me or in his opinion good for nothing brat.

"Severus stop this nonsense and occupany me to my son's room will you", I said more a order than a request.

"And to what have the young lad done that you be requested to visit the school Lucius",

"Ran of in the middle of almost every lecture since coming back to school with no value reason", he gave just a curt nod before we stalked into Draco's room only to be greeted with the noise of someone baffling in the toilet which we quickly learn to be Draco, Blaise right beside him.

Blaise's P.O.V

The two, uninvited, guest to a seat in one of the arm chairs of the room and made their self comfortable before they finally looked at us with shock and horror in their eyes.

Following the gaze I turn to see a flush Draco with a hand on his small, to big for his stage, baby bump standing by the door to the bathroom. He slowly walked and plopped himself down on the bed motioning for me to follow so I happily did.

The first to speak was Snape who clear forgot to apply his mask again,

"Draco what is wrong with you", followed by Lucius who asked

"Who is the father and do not lie to me".

A scared looking draco lied down and gave me the responsibility of delaying the news to them so I slowly began.

"So the two days before winter vacation, I found Draco crying his eyes out saying this can't be happening but not knowing what he meant picked my interest and I asked him to telling, being his friend since young all his attempt to lie to me never worked and I soon found out he slept with Potter an...",


"Calm down father he doesn't know anything about my feelings or the babyso",

"Wait a sec, what baby do you speak off",

"Snape, Mr. Molfoy that's the thing Draco's sick because he is nine weeks pregnant with Potter's child that's why he always run out of class and why he got so thin and considerably pale".

There was a deffening silence as the two man took it all in.

"You do know that your mother and her lord must never find out right",

"Yes father, the person himself doesn't even know about the child and I promise to be careful so don't worry",

"That's gonna be hard to do with him on the rise and my son and grandchild is gonna be in danger almost everyday",Lucius said and we all smile because he accept them, such a caring man.

They took their exit and Draco curled up to me before we drift of to sleep.

Lucius' P.O.V

I'm going to do all that I can to protect my family but first I have to hide this from Necissa before she ruin us. Walking to Snape's office he pushed me against the wall and we spend our night making sweet love before I had to leave because we know we wouldn't be able to see each other in a while. Gush he is so rough in bed dout I be able to handle his pace tonight, better brace myself for not being able to walk tomorrow.

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