It's Calm Now

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Draco's P.O.V.

     The twins visited me this week, they brought me a good serving of ice-cream and i demolished it. I never new something could taste so damn good, the more i ate the more i want. It was and unhealthy obsession but they indulge me. Now that i am at 18 weeks things had started to change slighted. Morning sickness (doh, i was sick all hours of the day) have decided that it has no use for me anymore and left. I can comfortably sit with the others and enjoy a slighted altered version of the meal they are eating. 

     Blaise for his part has become a regular in my life again, not that he doesn't have a girlfriend but he just puts me above her slightly. I am glad that everything has settled for now. It still saddens me that i can't see Harry anymore, the baby really enjoyed hearing his voice. The half arsed speech that old luni gave about the golden trio's disappearance made a absolutely no sense what so every but it did give me a break from my baby daddy and his mindless followers.

     Honestly I have seen toddlers with more freedom than him, if it was the weasel it was the wannabe brainyack who thinks she knows everything. Boy what i wouldn't give to put her sorry arse in it's place, doesn't know anything about wizarding world but wanna change it. Honestly the nerves of some people.

Fred and George P.O.V.

     We visited our baby today and he nearly killed us with his smile. We never expected for ice-cream to make a person so happy. At 18 weeks pregnant, he is positively glowing. Though he may not walk around much these days and mostly keeps to himself, there are people who think they have the right to mesh with him but a few well placed WWW products placed here and there have got them on their toes. We want to keep that radiant smile on his face not matter what and not one is going to make it go away and if they do, they would have hell to pay for it.

      With an over protective bastard like Zambini watching over him, we wouldn't want to be the poor sucker who tries these shit. Never realized how cute and innocent he was and we would love to keep it that way no matter what.

Blaise's P.O.V.

      My new girlfriend is not who she makes herself out to be. She gets on my nerves more and more these days and to make matters worst, she talks shit about my Draco. After my first warning she keeps it on a down low but i don't think this relationship would work.

       On the other hand, my Draco has been doing better, he smiles more and keeps his appointments with our crazy medic. I visit him more regularly now, actually i barely leave his side and my girlfriend doesn't care. Now she spends free time with her friends and we meet on the weekends. It's not like I really care for this relationship anyways so it all works out I guess.

          Coming this weekend, the twins and I have arranged for Draco to sneak out of the castle and meet his father. He also seems to be low on candy so I guess we would be restocking his candy trunk while we are at it to. Everything is peachy now and I hope it stays that way for a little while longer.

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