Fred And George

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Draco's P.O.V 

     I think the fates must really be against me today, for what I have no idea but how, well let me feel me fill you in. Being 9 weeks pregnant isn't easy especially if you are a boy with cravings. Blaise wouldn't allow me to do anything much less wonder for myself, thinks it's very dangerous apperantly, so after he fell asleep I took chances and went to the kitchen for some peanut butter because I've been craving them lately. When everyone is surpose to be asleep, one person was up and not someone who was on my friendly list.

     After pleading with Dobby and getting a good amount of peanut butter, I started making the long journey to the slytherin's dungeon to retire for the night but fate wasn't on good terms with me apperantly because the twins were coming my way and they weren't to happy to see me.

"Oh Fred look who we have hare roaming after hours",
"How about we give him a little excessive shall we",
"Please don't I don't think I co.....",

That's were my sentence stop before I felt a ton of pain and my glamour broke. I feel to the floor boling my eyes out as I clutched my now visibly swollen stomach. Fred and George stared wide eyed at me before scooping me up bridal style and dashing to the hospital wing.

      Upon our arrival madame Pofrome took one look at me before gasping and tend to me. First I got a potion to carm me down then she muttered a spell to see if the baby was alright. Good thing she was or else I might off lost it, she finished here examination by asking me some questions.

"How far along are you dare?",
"Nine weeks and counting",
"Are you eating properly?",
"Yes ma'am, Blaise make sure that I eat double the amount of food I'll normally eat and made sure that I had all three meals",
"Good about school and other thing, I will inform the te...",
"Please miss don't, I do not want anyone finding out since I don't want my baby in danger",
"Why do you think that you baby will be in danger dare?".

Madame Pofrome was like a mother to me but I seriously don't want to put anyone in danger with this type of information but none the less I took a sacking breath and stuttered out my next words careful not to give out the identity of whom I'm talking about.

"B..Be..Because if p...people knew who the father was she is going to be in terribly danger and the war bruing isn't helping that fact".

At that exact moment Blaise burst through the doors out of breath and half naked. Okay so maybe I blush but is not like I haven't seen him naked before.

"What the hell man I thought you were hurt with that jackass' Potty's offspring in you who knows what kind of danger you could be in but no instead of telling me, you handy old friend that you were going and.....",

I turned deathly pale as Blaise continue to go on and on about my stupidity. The twins and madame Pofrome held looks of shock and disbelief on their face while I started crying.

George's P.O.V 
    Did Zambini just say that the thing in Draco's belly is Harrys own, well the fact that he is pregnant explains why he stays to himself but why he avoids Harry is now perfectly clear. Blaise comes to realizaton of what he just said and quickly shuts up. My brother and I shared a look before going over to Draco and each taking one of his hands, he looked shock and then scared.

"We understand why you don't want to tell Harry about the pregnancy and we promise to not tell and be by you side when you need so just call okay?",

Fred and I said at the same time, we waiting for his answer and after conversing with Blaise on our proposal, they both finally looked at us and nodded and we was very pleased. Madame Profome also said her mouth are sealed and that was the first time I actually saw Draco smiled and it was so cute.

     Zambini raised him and they were of but not before bidding us goodnight, gosh he looked like such a baby. That night me and Fred talked about all the possibilities of how to stop Harry from tainting Draco, this year is going to be so tough I could already tell.

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