Chapter 7

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Finals came around and as usual, I was more prepared than Nick was. On the day of our social final, Nick and I were seated in our desks, mine in front of his, in the gym, waiting for the exam to begin.

I was looking straight ahead, preparing myself for the exam that was coming when I felt Nick tap me on the shoulder.

"I would say good luck", he whispered. "But I don't think you need it."

"Thanks anyway" I whispered back. "Good luck to you too."

"You'll do fine, Haven. you always do."

"I thought you were going to start saving come confidence for yourself", I said referring to our conversation from a couple of weeks ago.

"Yeah well you need it more than I do."

"Good luck, Nick", I said before turning back around. I could feel Nick's smile even though my back was to him and I began my exam with my source of confidence seated right behind me.

+ + + + + + + + + +

I aced the exam just like Nick said I would and surprisingly, he did too. Looks like him copying my homework was paying off. Now that our school year was over and summer was here, the atmosphere in the school was laid back. Everyone was cleaning their lockers out and getting ready for 2 months of freedom.

I was standing in front of my empty locker, doing one last check when I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned to see Nick coming towards me with a pink flower in his hand.

"Hey", I said as he came closer.

"Hi", he answered as he leaned against the locker next to mine, twirling the stem of the flower in his fingers.

"Who's the flower for?", I asked.

"You actually", he said, holding it out to me. "As a thank you for letting me copy your homework and whatever."

I blushed and took the flower, a bright pink tulip. "Tulips are my favourite, how'd you know?"

"You mentioned it a while ago", he said.

"I can't believe you remembered."

"You really should give me more credit", he said jokingly.

"Oh I should?", I joked.

"Yes. You should. Anyway, what are you doing right now?"

"Nothing", I answered as I closed my locker door.

"Well I know this ice cream place in the mall and in the spirit of summer, I thought we could go there."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were asking me out."

"Well I guess it's a good thing that you do know better, then. Let's go", he said with a smile that was almost cocky, but I followed him out of the school and to the mall anyway because I didn't mind how cocky he was.

+ + + + + + + + + +

In the mall, there is an ice cream shop and it is very popular. It is also very tiny. And on the last day of school/ first day of summer, it was packed. Nick and I were lucky to find a table.

I sat at our two-person table while Nick went and got ice cream, just so that our table wouldn't be taken. While I was waiting, a guy in a large black hoodie sat across from me.

"Sorry, that seats taken", I said before realizing who was sitting across from me. It was Charlie, the lonely kid from Millcrest. "Charlie? What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed in an ice cream shop?", he questioned.

"What? No, of course you are, I guess you just caught me off guard. Do you come here a lot?"

"No. I just saw you walk in here and I thought I'd say hi."

"Well, hi", I said awkwardly. Charlie lived really far from here which made me wonder what he was doing here at all. He was notorious for never venturing too far from home.

"So how's Greenfield?", he asked as he stared tirelessly into my face.

"Umm, it's fine. How did you know I go there?"

"I know things, Haven."

At that moment, Nick approached our table with two little bowls of ice cream and a confused look on his face.

"Who's this, Haven?", he asked as he glanced from me to Charlie.

"So you're still hanging out with pretty-boys like Aiden, huh? Poor guy", Charlie said. My face grew hot and I could feel my old life creeping into my new one, uninvited.

"Excuse me?", Nick asked, setting the ice cream down on the table. "Who do you think you are?"

"Nick, drop it", I mumbled.

"Forget it man, I was just leaving. Enjoy her", Charlie said, gesturing to me as he rose from his seat and left the crowded ice cream shop.

"Who the hell was that?", Nick asked as he sat where Charlie was sitting just moments before.

"Some kid from my old school", I said, avoiding eye contact with Nick.

"What problem does he have with you?", Nick asked.

"I have no idea, I hardly know him." I thought back to what Becca said about Charlie having pictures of me in his backpack.

"And who is Aiden?"

"My ex..."

"You left some pretty heavy stuff, huh?"

"I guess."

"Well I am enjoying you", Nick said, referring to Charlie's comment.

I smiled and looked away, knowing full well that Nick's confidence in me didn't just show in the classroom.

"We should do this more", Nick said as he took a bite of ice cream. " You're a good person to have around."

"I'm so glad you think so", I said half-sarcastically because I did mean it. I was glad that he wasn't phased by my old life coming back to haunt me. He was more calm about it than I was because I knew Millcrest people and they were relentless. Especially the quietest ones, which made me nervous about Charlie who apparently knew way more about me than anyone ever gave him credit for.

"There's no way you're as insane as that guy made you out to be", Nick said between bites of ice cream.

"I'm not insane", I answered defensively.

"It's a good thing too. I'm done with crazy girls. Dylan was enough for me."

When I gave him a curious look, he dipped his spoon into my ice cream.

"Hey!", I cried as I pulled my bowl closer to myself.

"You should pay more attention", Nick said, laughing.

I smiled and shook my spoon at him. "No more stealing! And that includes homework answers."

"Oh come on , I gave you a flower."

I laughed and looked around the table for my pink tulip, but it was nowhere to be seen. I had left in on edge of the table and it was there when Charlie sat down...

"Charlie took my flower", I said.

"What the hell, why would he take your flower?"

"I have no idea."

"That guy is seriously creepy", Nick said with genuine concern on his face.

"No kidding", I answered.

"Don't see him again, okay? He makes me worried for you."

I nodded and silently grieved for my pink tulip.


Hey readers,

Here's chapter 7! I've been getting some really good feedback on this story so I thought I'd update a little sooner than usual. Thanks so much for reading everyone! Keep giving feedback!


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