Chapter 14

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Things were good. Nick was as good a boyfriend as he was a friend way back when. It seemed like forever ago when Nick and I were only friends, separated by his relationship with Dylan. We had come so far.

In the months that followed, Nick and I had both gotten our driver's licenses and we were both applying to universities so we'd have a place to go after graduation. I wanted to go into criminal law. I thought taking what I'd been through as experience would give it some meaning. Nick decided that he wanted to be an engineer. He's been stepping up in math.

The two of us were making it work. Planning for our futures and finding time for each other all while focusing on graduating. There was so much going on but he was always the best part of my day.

Grad was coming up and everyone was making a huge deal out of it. They were going all out with professional hair and makeup and whatever. I, on the other hand, was having a hard time justifying putting so much work into one day that would be over so soon. It didn't seem rational to me. But Daphne and Ava insisted.

"You only graduate once", Ava said. "Might as well make the best of it." I had shrugged in response but they weren't giving up so easy.

"What about Nick? Don't you want to make an effort for his benefit?", Daphne asked. It's true, I should make an effort for Nick. He was so excited for grad, so excited to be done with high school and move on. Grad meant a lot to him.

"Fine", I breathed. Daphne and Ava squealed and hurried to make plans to go shopping.

Today was the dreaded shopping trip. The three of us entered the mall and headed for the high-end boutique that sold dresses for every occasion. The displays in the window were all graduation dresses covered in glitter and sequins, all the brightest of colours. It hurt my eyes to look at it but Daphne and Ava were intrigued. We walked into the store and were greeted by an over-enthusiastic saleslady.

"Good afternoon, girls. How may I help you?"

"We're looking for grad dresses," Daphne said, excitement tangled with her words.

"I thought you might be," the lady, who's name tag told me her name was Betty, said. "Right this way." She lead us to the back of the store where there were infinite racks of gowns in every colour. I was immediately overwhelmed.

"Here we are," Betty said, gesturing to the endless rows of racks. "Holler if you need anything."

I didn't even know where to start. It looked like we would be here for hours.

And we were.

After the first 2 hours, Daphne had found a bright pink gown with a beaded top and Ava had found a light green dress with a flowing skirt. After 3 hours, I still hadn't found anything but Daphne and Ava were determined to help me.

"How about this one?" Ava asked. She held up a bright yellow dress for me to see.

"I don't think I can pull off yellow," I said in response to the dress that was hurting my eyes.

"I think you could," Ava countered.

"It would wash her out," Daphne said from 4 racks away. "But this one might work." Daphne had pulled a soft baby blue dress with a lace top and mermaid-style skirt. And for once, I didn't hate it.

"Oh yeah! Try it on!" Ava pleaded. I didn't object and I tried on the dress. I walked out of the change room to where Daphne and Ava were waiting, excited looks plastered on their faces. They both squealed with delight when they saw me.

"It's absolutely perfect," Daphne said. "You have to get it."

I turned to face the mirror and my own reflection took me by surprise. The dress fit perfectly. There was absolutely no altering that needed to be done.

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