Chapter 10

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Daphne and I started stopping at the mall for coffee every morning before school. As the year was going on, it became very clear to us how dependent we were on caffeine. Neither of us could go a day without it and so we made a tradition of meeting up in the mall for our daily dose.

I always made it to the mall before Daphne did. Every morning, I would sit in the empty food court and do the homework I couldn't bring myself to finish the night before. At 8:00 in the morning, the mall wasn't technically open, so it was quiet; the perfect place to get some work done.

On this morning in particular, I was in an especially bad mood. My biology class was kicking my ass and even the quiet, serene environment of the mall early in the morning could not help me focus. Needless to say, I was definitely looking forward to my Starbucks.

As I readied myself to attempt the impossible homework question on the table in front of me, my phone buzzed with a text message from Daphne,

I'm here! Meet me at Starbucks

I replied with a grateful 'okay' and packed up my biology homework. As I walked through the mall towards the Starbucks, I passed multiple people with coffee cups on their way to school or work. A little ways away, there was a couple walking toward me, hand in hand, both with Starbucks coffee cups. I didn't realize who they were at first but before I could recognize them and then look away, they had already noticed me.

I found myself walking straight towards Nick and Zoe and it was far too late to change my direction. I had no other choice than to face this head on.

As I got closer to them, Nick and I made eye contact that I was sure didn't mean anything until he called to me.

"Hi Haven", he called.

"Hey", I answered, making sure to keep my eyes off the girl clutching his hand.

Nick didn't say anything else. He just smiled at me and continued walking. Zoe gave me a dangerous look and went with him.

Before I was out of ear shot, I could hear Zoe ask Nick who I was.

"She's a friend", I heard Nick answer.

"Why do I feel like I should be worried about her then?", Zoe asked.

"You don't need to be worried", Nick said, getting annoyed, I could tell. I walked away even faster, eager to leave Nick and his clearly jealous girlfriend behind.

+ + + + + + + + + +

Not even coffee could improve my mood that morning. As the day progressed, my mood just kept getting worse. One bad thing was happening after another and nothing was going my way. A typical bad day, I guess.

I left my biology class with the news that I had failed the last quiz. Just another thing to add to my heap of bad things. I rushed to my locker after class to exchange my textbooks and I wasn't looking where I was going. The hallways were crowded and people were bumping into me on all sides. I ran into a girl who was in front of me and she whipped around to face me.

"Sorry", I said to who just so happened to be Zoe. Great.

"Can you watch it?", Zoe asked. Her face darkened when she saw that it was me who had bumped into her and I knew this wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation.

"Yeah I'm sorry", I said again, not exactly sure why I bothered to keep trying.

Zoe only glared at me and continued on her way. Just what I needed to happen on this horrific day. Zoe really had it out for me and the only reason was because Nick spoke to me. Why were Nick's girlfriends always a problem for me?

More Than This - n.r.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora