Chapter 11

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I still saw Nick and Zoe at the mall every morning. Some mornings, I would even be in line behind them at Starbucks. Of course then, I was with Daphne who acted as a buffer for any awkward tension.

Since my fight with Nick, I hadn't spoken to him at all. In fact, things were finally working out for me. My grades were improving immensely, especially my biology mark. Even my teacher was impressed. I guess being separated from Nick had its perks.

Also, Daphne, Ava, and I were really close now that I was hanging out with them instead of Nick. They saw the whole situation the same way I did: unnecessary and unpredictable.

As the days went on though, it became more predictable. It was clear that anything between Nick and I was over, including our friendship. And that was okay.

Little did I know, that would change.

Today was like any other day. I was at school and the hallways were crowded and the sunlight from outside was pouring in through the windows. Kids were walking to their next class, talking and laughing with their friends. I was on my way to biology. I had a test that day.

Walking towards me was Nick and Zoe but I didn't give them much thought. Nick caught my eye though and gave me the weakest of smiles which I had difficulty returning. It just didn't feel natural anymore.

I brushed past Nick and Zoe but I didn't get very far before a sound rang loud and clear through the hallways and kids screamed and crouched to the floor.

You always hear gunshots in movies and the sound is so... Hollywood. But that is what they sound like. The sound is loud and obnoxious and desperate for a reaction.

Another gunshot rang through the air and this time I hit the floor along with the students around me. To my left was a girl who was already crying. To my right was a kid praying. In front of me was Nick, clutching Zoe to his chest but looking at me with wide, scared eyes.

Teachers always go through lockdown procedure on the first day of school. We all know to get into a classroom and turn the lights off and lock the door. But now, no one was moving. That is until the third gunshot. It didn't sound very far from us.

I rose to my feet along with other students who were rushing to classrooms. There was a janitor closet to my left and I rushed for it but when I got there, it wasn't empty. Nick and Zoe had already claimed this as their safe place. Knowing it was too late to move, I shut the closet door and locked it.

I sat down against the wall, breathing heavy.

"Haven?", Nick asked into the darkness.

I nodded then I realized he couldn't see me. "Yeah", I said quietly.

"Are you okay?", he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?", I said.

"Yeah, we're okay", he replied.

The space grew quiet and for once, the silence wasn't awkward. Just scared. There was no sound outside the closet, only emphasizing how alone we were.

"What the hell is going on?", Nick whispered.

"I have no idea", I answered.

Zoe started to cry, and she wasn't quiet about it. I was worried she'd give our hiding place away.

"Shut up", I whispered harshly.

"She's just scared, Haven", Nick whispered, coming to Zoe's defence.

"We're all scared, Nick", I whispered.

I sat with my back against the cold wall, listening to my own heart and paying attention to how fast it was beating. Zoe continued to whimper and I could hear her press herself even closer to Nick who's breathing was steady and calming.

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