Chapter 22

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My mother cried when she dropped me off at the airport the next day. "I'm so proud of you", she said between sobs. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll be back, Mom, don't worry", I said as I tried my best to comfort her even though I had no idea how she must be feeling. I made a decision less than 3 months ago to move away from her. No wonder she's fragile.

"Be careful, okay? You promise?", she said as she straightened my jacket. "New York is a big city, I don't want you to get hurt. And I want you to call me everyday."

"I will, Mom. I love you." I gave her a quick hug and then proceeded into the airport, blinking back my own tears. I snuck a quick glance back to see my mother wiping at her face with damp sleeves.

+ + + + + + + + + +

Security was quick and painless. It was almost like the universe was helping me get out of this place.

"Where are you off to, young lady?" one of the security guards asked me.

"New York", I answered as I put my purse in a bin to be checked by security.

"One of the greatest cities in the world, I always say", he responded with a smile. "You enjoy yourself." I smiled in return as I proceeded through the security line.

I was waiting for my flight to start boarding now. The waiting area was filled with people who were probably going on vacation, only to come back here to their homes. Not me. I was on my way home. This was no vacation.

"Have you ever been to New York?" a lady sitting a few seats down from me asks.

"No, I haven't", I answered.

"Me either", the woman said, an unmistakable gleam in her eye. "I'm moving down there."

"Me too", I answered.

"All by yourself?"

"Yes... Aren't you?"

"Oh no, my husband is around here somewhere", she said, looking around the room. "We're going to get a fresh start."

"Sounds nice", I answered, the pang in my chest almost unbearable. It had just dawned on me how alone I would be over there.

"Aren't you a little young to me moving to New York on your own?" the woman asked.

"I'm looking for a fresh start too."

"No time to waste then", she answers with a wink. A man comes and sits beside her. He plants a kiss on her cheek. This must be the husband. My heart drops a little more.

+ + + + + + + + + +

I sit there, waiting for my flight to start boarding for over an hour. Yes, I came early. Just eager to start my new life, I guess.

"Fancy seeing you here", says a voice from somewhere behind me. The voice catches me off guard because I recognize it immediately. I stand in surprise, abandoning my chair and making the woman and her husband turn their heads to look at me.

I'm not surprised when I turn around. Nick is standing there with a backpack slung over his shoulder and a boarding pass in his hand. A boarding pass?

"What are you doing here?" I ask, a trace of shock in my voice.

"I'm here for you. Why else would I be here?"

"I'm going to New York, Nick."

"I am too", he says as he holds up the boarding pass. "I said that I would follow you anywhere. That's what I intend to do because I love you and I'm not going to let you go that easily."


"I made a mistake", he interrupts. "Believe me, no one knows that better than I do. But I can't take it back. The only thing I can do is move on and I want to move on with you. We're more than this, Haven."

"I was going to have a fresh start."

"You still can. But Haven, we've been through too much to let this go."

I sighed. "There's no stopping you, is there", I say.

"No, there isn't", he says as he takes a step forward and kisses me. I kiss him back without hesitating because I know that no matter how hard I try to keep myself away from him, I'll always have a weak spot for him. I do love him. And nothing can change that. At least not right now.

I can feel the people around us watching, and I don't care because I know that I'm not running away from anything anymore.

"Now boarding flight 331", the attendant announces. Nick pulls away and grabs my hand."That's our flight."

 I smile and together, hand in hand, we make our way to the plane that will take us far away from here to a new beginning. Or maybe not so new after all. Just different. And I am okay with different.

Nick kisses me on the cheek as I hand my boarding pass to the attendant. "I love you",he whispers in my ear, a secret that only I can hear. 


Hey readers!

This is it, the end. I'm sorry it took so long, but the last few weeks have been pretty rough. I'm also sorry this chapter is so short, I've just been concocting this ending for a while and I was eager to share it with you guys. 

Movie Review Time!
~ The Social Network (2010): This is a movie based on the creation of Facebook (so obviously a true story). It's so good, guys. The dialogue is fast paced and actually really funny. There is definitely some gem moments in this one. The cast is awesome and perfectly chosen. I really enjoyed it. [Starring: Jesse Eisenberg & Andrew Garfield]

~ A Girl Like Her (2015): This one is very intense, guys. It's about a girl who is being bullied by a girl in er school. Right at the beginning, the victim attempts suicide. The movie follows the bully and the consequences she faces when her actions catch up with her. Some of it was a little hard to watch and it definitely hits some sensitive topics, but it was really well done. One that every teenage girl should see for sure. [Starring: Hunter King & Lexi Ainsworth]

Book Review Time!
~ The Scorch Trials- James Dashner: This is the second book in the Maze Runner series, and it was just as good as the first. It takes place after the Gladers get out of the maze. They are sent on another trial through the dessert that  they have to cross within 2 weeks while variables such as storms and "Cranks" are thrown their way. It was very suspenseful, but I have to say, I think I liked the first one a little better. An awesome sequel to The Maze Runner though, I really liked it. 

Thanks for reading everyone! Hope you liked this one.


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