Chapter 1

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Hey guys, welcome to Little Did I Know. Thanks for checking this book out, I appreciate it. This is my first Wattpad book, and I didn't go through and edit it, but I decided I wanted to post it anyway. The story doesn't flow the way I wanted it to, and it needs a LOT more background information, but for an unedited piece, it's not too bad. Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy.


Fight it, I kept silently telling myself as the pain grew so much I began to black out. Something was wrong with my ribs, every tiny breath I took send a knife through me.

It was agonizing, to say the least, but I hung on to my consciousness. If I passed out here, someone could walk so close to me and not see me, and I would miss my chance to get help. No, I couldn't take the easy way out, I had to stay awake and aware. My eyelids were so heavy though...

Stop it! I struggled not to fade into the darkness, into the space that gently beckoned to me. I tried my hardest, but my eyes closed of their own will, and I felt myself slipping along with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was done for, nobody would ever find me now.

I managed to force open my eyes one more time, memorizing the forest I would die in. I would never give up, but this fight was one I couldn't win. This time, when my eyes closed, they never opened again.

Little Did I Know (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now