Chapter 18

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I floated in darkness in a cloud of peace, in a haze where my mind wouldn't work properly. I wasn't in any pain at all. Am I dead? If I was, then why was everything still pitch black?

Suddenly, a picture appeared in my mind, just like that. It was a boy my age. He had black hair, emerald green eyes, and was smiling the most brilliant smile I had ever seen. And it was directed towards me. Did I know him? I got the feeling I'd seen him before, but my mind just wouldn't work out where. He was important to me, I knew that much. But why?

Suddenly, a name flew into my mind as well, this time giving my thoughts a bit more clarity and making me even more cohesive. Cole. That must be the boy I was picturing. I tried to remember anything I could, but it felt like my memories were on the other side of an impossibly high wall.

Then, I heard a voice. A male voice. It was saying "I'll see you soon, my love." I was so confused. Could this boy be talking to me? For some reason, I started to cry. And then I remembered. Cole. Was that really him?

I fought to come back, not knowing what would await me when I got there. I didn't even know if I was hallucinating, but I didn't care. Even if it was an illusion, it meant getting to see Cole again, for a brief second, at least. The pain I would surely be in when I woke up would be worth it.

As I began to come to my senses, the pain began to set in, and I gritted my teeth. Ignore it, I told myself. Mind over matter, you've been through this once before. And just like last time, my ribs burned with a fire that I never wanted to feel again. But unlike last time, I had someone to fight for other than myself. I thought I would surely die from what had happened to me, but if fate was giving me another chance, I would reach for it with all I had left.

I was a fighter. And I wasn't going to just give up again. I had learned that doesn't solve anything. Love was the only thing that persevered through time forever. And it wouldn't let me down now. I fought through the agonizing pain, racking my body in horrible waves until I began to feel my limbs, even twitch my fingers.

All this happened so fast, I didn't even realize. But when I opened my eyes, almost fainting again from the horrible pain, I saw Cole. Perfect Cole, broken down and lost, holding a knife to his chest. As he held it out, my heart stopped. I did the only thing I could think of: I dug deep and found the will to reach out and knock it out of his hands.

He turned to me slowly, as if in surprise, new tears streaming down his face. "Sadie." "Hey," I breathed. He ran to me and hugged me tightly, making stars dance. "No need to...kill me, Cole." I joked, my voice raspy after not speaking for so long.

As he pulled back, stunned into silence, I noticed his shirt. It was stained crimson from top to bottom. "Your shirt..." I mumbled. " hurt?" He looked down at his feet. "I carried you all the way here." He said quietly. I looked down at myself, soaked in the red substance as well. "Oh."

As the adrenaline wore off, I started to feel my wounds. I doubled over as a wave of pain shot through my stomach. "Sadie!" "I'm...fine." I managed. "Let's get you to a hospital." Cole said, and picked me up gently. He lowered a light kiss to my forehead, his lips lingering. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment despite everything else I felt. With that, he carried me out of the house and into his parents' car.

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