Chapter 13

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"Run!" I yelled as the glass window shattered into a million pieces, barely missing me. I shoved Sadie in front of me as we ran as fast as we could down the long hall. As we passed the numerous windows, they shattered in an instant.

Gunshots went off as we reached the door. Sadie tried to open it, but it was stuck. I glanced around warily as she struggled, looking for any attackers. Suddenly, the guns went silent, and there was no noise in the room. The hairs on my neck prickled, and I suddenly whirled around. Sadie had disappeared.

I frantically searched the hall until I saw her lying on the floor at the far end of the hall. I yelled her name, and as I got closer, saw her clothes covered in blood from numerous gunshot wounds. I held her in my arms as she fought to keep her eyes open.

"Don't go," I whispered. "I need you, Sadie. You're my life." She gave me a weak smile, which turned into a grimace. "You'll have I" She managed to get out. "I love you too." I said, a tear making its way down my face. As she took her last breath, I just sat there, holding her and watching as the life went out of her eyes.

I snapped awake, a cold sweat covering my whole body. I ran a shaky hand through my hair. It was just a dream. Sadie was right next to me. I glanced over at her to reassure myself, but instead saw the fabric of the couch.

After the nightmare I just had, I couldn't handle it. I lost it. I ran through the whole house, yelling her name and searching every nook and cranny. She wasn't there. My heart was beating like a drum, pounding in my head.

Suddenly, I felt a dangerous calm wash over me. I knew who took her. And I was coming for him.

The light streamed through the trees, casting a deceivingly beautiful aura in the forest, but I wasn't fooled. The forest was too quiet, as if even the birds were frightened. A hint of menace lurked behind every tree.

So far, I hadn't seen any sign that helped point me to Sadie. I knew John had taken her here, but I couldn't find any footsteps. I was left wandering in a direction, hoping I had chosen the right one. No matter what, I wasn't giving up. I would find Sadie and everything would be alright.

A single call of a crow split through the silence, interrupting my thoughts. Strange. In an instant, my leg suddenly gave out, my knee buckling. I fell onto the ground, looking around for the thing giving off a bad aura.

Through the fog that had just appeared, I could see the shadow of a man approaching me. His eyes seemed to glow red as he sneered at me and came closer.

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