Chapter 12

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My eyes snapped open. I knew what I needed to do.

I got up off the couch as quietly as I could. I hated having to break my word, but it was the only way to save Cole. If John got tired of playing with me, he would come find me, and that would put Cole in danger. My life didn't matter anymore; his did. And I wasn't about to take a chance of losing him, not when he's given me so much.

I took one last look at Cole, already missing his warm body against mine. It was a shame. What we had was so great, but I should have known it couldn't last. But I was doing this for him, and I could be content with the time I had if I knew he would be safe when I was gone.

So as I left the house, fighting the urge to snuggle back into his arms, I left knowing I was protecting what I loved.


It was still early in the morning, so the forest was dark. I jumped at every twig that snapped, and bushes and trees magically transformed into monsters with long spindly arms. My mind kept conjuring up images of terrifying things, and I grew paranoid of every shadow. I sat down to rest, trying to calm down.

Suddenly, I heard a loud snap. No animal made that sound. I crept over to the nearest bush and hid behind it just as a figure came into view. From my hiding spot, I watched it as it got closer until I could make out details.

He or she was dressed completely in black; the person's face was hidden in shadows, so I couldn't tell who it was. But I had a hunch. The person glanced around the forest, coming so close to my bush. I sat in silence, not daring to take a breath.

All of a sudden, the leaves were pulled away and a man's face appeared in the gap. He had a malicious grin on his face. My heart sped up as I sat frozen, while he began to chuckle a cold, evil chuckle. My breath hitched as I recognized who it was.

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