Chapter 9

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I stared into the fireplace, watching the flames come to life and flicker. They reminded me of Sadie's music... A pang in my chest caught my breath as I thought her name. I was scared for her, angry that someone would try to harm an innocent girl, but in a strange way, I was glad all this was happening.

In a horrible, twisted way, I was glad Sadie had gotten hurt in the forest, even though I was ashamed for even having the thought. If Sadie hadn't been in the forest, injured, we wouldn't have met. I wouldn't have been able to save her, to be her hero. She wouldn't need a place to stay if she hadn't lost her memory. She wouldn't need me.

I knew I was only delaying the inevitable, she would regain her memory eventually, but I wasn't ready to let her go. I don't know if I will ever be. But while the madman is hunting her, while her life is in danger, I had her for a little longer.

I know I'm being selfish, but I already have feelings for her. I can't help it. It had felt so good when I held her, feeling her delicate body against mine. I was content to hold her forever. I was falling for her, hard. Even though I had no idea how she felt about me. It didn't matter, I would protect her either way.

I stifled a yawn. I was so tired; I hadn't slept since the second night Sadie had been asleep. After staying awake through the first, my body finally told me I had to rest. It was doing the same thing now because, on the third night, I couldn't stop worrying that Sadie wouldn't wake up, and I was up all night again.

Although I didn't even know her name then, I still felt something for her. I thought of the nights I spent by her bed, waiting for her to come back to me. I couldn't let the man hurt her anymore, I had to protect her. I had to keep her safe, for both our sakes.

I tried to recall details about the man in the forest, but my mind was slow after sleep loss. After stifling another yawn and giving up on trying to blink away the fog lingering in my mind, I lied down on the couch. I was so tired... What about Sadie?

I frowned, then slightly shrugged. If Sadie needed me, I would be right here for her. The thought gave me comfort, and eased my conscious enough that I could sleep. Still feeling her soft hair against my cheek, I closed my eyes and rested.

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