Chapter 2

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It started out as pinpricks of pain, tingling along my ribs where I had felt the pain earlier. I honestly had no clue how I was alive at this point, but I was.

I fought still, grasping at the chance to live, to be full of life again. It was working, the pain was waking me up, if only slightly. I was still fairly numb, but I was alive. I tried to help, attempting to move my arms, to do anything except nothing.

Suddenly, the pain got worse. It burned like fire inside me, scorching my lungs and filling me with smoke. I started to panic, desperately trying to go back to the world. Despite my efforts, I got no closer to waking up. The pain, however unbearable already, wasn't enough. I was too far gone. None of my limbs would work for me; nothing was responding.

As the agony increased, I continued to try, mentally gritting my teeth and telling myself to endure. It was then that I heard the faintest snapping sound. It shot liquid fire through my whole body. That was enough.

My eyes started to open, adjusting to the light shining through the trees of the forest I had almost lost my life in. My head lolled to the side, all my strength being spent on forcing myself to breathe despite the horrific pain that accompanied life.

It was then that I saw the figure sitting right beside me.

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