Chapter 7

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Later that night, I sat on my soft, pink comforter, leaned back on the white headboard, thinking about my playing the piano. How did I know how to play? I had no idea, honestly. Everything was just so foggy right now. Trying to remember just wasn't working, and I didn't know what to do. I was scared; what if it was permanent? What if I would never know anything about my past? My head hurt trying to process it all.

As I took a deep breath, someone knocked on my door. "Come in," I said, trying to push the worries into the back of my mind. "Hey," Cole smiled as he shut the door behind him. "Hi," I responded, putting on a fake smile. I had to pretend I was fine, at least for right now. I could talk to Cole later if I had to.

"Sadie!" "Sorry, what?" I blinked. "Are you alright?" His expression turned to one of concern. "Um..." I didn't know what to say, knowing I wasn't but not wanting to say so. "Sadie, you can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you." He gave a tiny smile, gently giving me encouragement.

"No, Cole. I'm not alright." Once I started speaking, the words just came out of my mouth.  I told him everything, how I was so worried, stressed, and confused, and he listened. He didn't interrupt once, just being patient until I finished. "It'll come back. You just have to wait for it."

I nodded silently, feeling slightly better after getting it all off my chest. "You have mail." He changed the topic after reassuring me. "Really? From who?" I started to get nervous. "It doesn't say, it just has your name and this address on the front." Cole handed me the letter.

I opened it quickly, not wanting to prolong my anxiety. It was silly to be worried over this, wasn't it? My heart dropped as I read: I see you. I am everywhere. Even now, as you hide from me, you can't get away. You can't run forever. You got lucky in the forest. Next time we meet, you won't be so fortunate.

Little Did I Know (unedited)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя