Chapter 3

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He had short, intense black hair, swept to the right side of his face. He had emerald green eyes that were stood out against the black shirt he wore that matched his hair. He looked like he was about 17. He just sat there, unmoving and unblinking, with his mouth slightly open. He looked shocked, caught by surprise.

As he continued to stare at me for no detectable reason, I decided I needed to snap him out of it. Gathering everything I had left inside me, every last atom of energy and willpower, I whispered, "help me..."

There were no words for the agony that ripped through my body because of the tiniest words I managed to utter. However, I was relieved when the boy gently lifted my limp, unmoving arm, being careful not to hurt me as he checked my pulse. After making sure I was still alive, he slowly sat my arm down, taking a deep breath.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I'm taking you to a doctor. Just bear with me for a little longer." He made no promises about my being ok, and I realized it was because he didn't know if I would make it. That would make two of us.

His expression was one of caution as he knelt to pick me up. As he gently lifted into his arms, I heard a gasp, and realized it came from me. "I'm sorry, I know it hurts." And he really did look sorry; his eyes were full of regret and pain.

As he walked, my body moved along with his, jostling my ribs with every step. I gritted my teeth and tried to keep from screaming. The boy looked down at me, and I saw his face again. This time, I caught a hint of fear in his steady gaze.

I didn't know why he would be afraid... Unless it was fear for me, for my safety. It seemed like the reason for his frequent glances at me, making sure I was still ok. I just wanted to sleep, to escape the pain. The next time he checked on me, his eyes widened from something he saw.

"No, you can't close your eyes, not now. We're almost there, stay with me. Please," he said, trying not to show how panicked he was. I wanted to tell him I was sorry, that I couldn't fight the urge to close my eyes any longer, but my tongue was dead weight in my mouth, and wouldn't move.

"Please," he pleaded in a whisper. His concern was the last thing I was aware of before I lost control of my eyelids, and unconsciousness followed soon after.

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