Chapter 17

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I sank to my knees, overwhelmed in sadness. Through my now blurry sight, I could see where they had been stabbed. A dark spot stained their clothing over their hearts. I looked around the room, searching for any clue to confirm my suspicions to who did this.

And I found one. The words "guess who" were written in a crimson ink on the far wall. Blood. My parents' blood.

At this point, I just wanted it to end. Nobody deserved this, not one person that was murdered had done anything to warrant this kind of brutality. But they suffered for their innocence anyway. That's it. John had taken everything from me. There was nothing left in this world for me anymore. There truly was no point in me existing.

Drowning in misery, I hugged my parents one last time. Then I left them, going back to the living room where Sadie was. I picked her up and took her to the kitchen before placing her as best I could in a chair. I kissed her lips, regretting that I hadn't done it earlier. They were cold, but they were hers.

And I missed her so much, I could barely stand to breathe. Maybe I didn't have to much longer. People say loss gets better over time. But I know myself. And this pain will never go away.

I opened the sliding drawer with shaking hands as I tried to see through  the blur covering my eyes.  I took out the biggest knife I could find and held it over my chest as I took a deep breath.

"I'll see you soon, my love." I closed my eyes, picturing the girl I'd be returning to. I got a good grip on the knife as I held it out, ready to reunite myself with Sadie.

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