Chapter 4

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===Hashiyan POV===

         I stood and hobbled to the bathroom. I spent the entire day yesterday with Un:c, and my body hurt all over from sleeping on the floor. The blonde is still snoring on the floor, and I had left him with a note that the breakfast is in the fridge so he should heat it up.
          I stepped out of our shared house, heading towards the school. I'm still wearing my previous day's clothes, but I don't particularly care about it. I spotted a familiar brunette and shouted his name. He turned, his face brightening up immediately. I could pretend that he was happy to see me, happy for some other reasons.
         "Hashi!" He glanced down at my clothes and frowned. "Didn't you wear the exact same clothes yesterday-" "-I went to sleep with Un:c yesterday, and forgot to change before coming." A weird look passed through his face and I frowned. "What?" I asked and he shook his head a little.
          "How about you, Amachan?" "Um, I went to see Mafu and then Kashi," he blushed a little when saying the latter's name, and I grit my teeth. "Hashi, I have something to tell you..." "Spill it out!" "What do you think if I confess to Kashi?" He asked shyly and the world stopped. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes, but I blinked them away and grinned fakely. "Of course~" I replied with a singsong voice, hoping that my bitter undertone will be disguised by the cheerful tone I layered on top of it.
         "You think he will accept?" My heart clenched but I kept smiling. "Of course! No one is dumb enough to reject you." "You said it, okay?" "Yup!" I can't break down now. He needs me. My cheerfulness helps him. I glanced at the approaching trio and nudged him towards Kashi-chan playfully. "No need to wait till next week, do it now!" He blushed, and nodded before running to the said male.
          Tears sprang up to my eyes again as I ask myself why the hell I even encourage him sometimes. It hurts, and sometimes, when I'm feeling selfish I just want to confess to him and lock him up and kiss him...
But it cannot happen. He belonged to Kashi..
       "..Hey. Did you hear? Did Amatsuki tell you?" I hear a deep voice and turned. Seeing that it was Soraru, alone at that, I asked, "Where is Mafu?" "He went to see a teacher." He shrugged. "You encouraged that glasses boy to confess, didn't you." It wasn't a question, so I just nodded blankly. He sighed, and nudged my head towards him. "C'mon, cry it out." His voice is soothing enough and so I just rest my head on his chest, letting the painfully silent sobs rack my body.
        "Hey, Hashiyan-kun, are you stealing my boyfriend away?" I hear a high-pitched voice laced with sarcasm and smiled a little. "No, who would want him?! Except you, of course." I replied teasingly. The raven-haired male sighed before transferring his attention to the pair that are currently walking to class together.
         Amachan look kinda happy....did Kashi accepted him? The moment when they turned their back on me, I saw, they are holding hands. My heart hurt....
        I closed my eyes and let the tears fall.

A/N : Another short chapter...a writer's block is coming up and I getting headaches when I want to finish a chapter. Today is the last day of my vacation, and I'm currently heading back now! So, I hope you guys enjoyed this and um, idk how to say this, and this is probably late, but happy Ramadan? Yeah, something like that,....anyway, have a great day, see ya!


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