Chapter 8

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***Hashiyan POV***

        Amatsuki came in, tears running down his cheeks, and buried his face in my shirt. "What's wrong?" I asked, ruffling his hair. "We broke up," he mumbled into my shirt, and closed his eyes. "It's fine, even though everyone leave you, I'll still be here for you." I smiled at him.
            "Thank you for being such a great friend, Hashi," he said, and again, my traitorous heart twisting in pain. "It's fine," is all I said. Guilt hit me with more force than necessary, since one part of me that is kinda happy that they broke up.

I hate that part of me.

         I kissed his forehead and smiled. "Go to sleep, Amachan. I think you will feel better after you wake up. He sniffles before nodding and padding back to his bedroom. I stared at his back until he disappear from my sight.
           "...Hashiyan? What's wrong with Amachan?" Un:c's half asleep tone jolted me a bit and I turned towards him. "He broke up with Kashi." "I told you that's gonna happen," Un:c gave me a look and stood up. "Well, like what Soraru-san said, go and take the chance." He walked away, letting me stare at the space blankly. Since when you listen to Soraru's words, I thought miserably.

I can't confess now, not when Amachan is so sad..

***Amatsuki POV***

          I buried my face in the pillows and without wanting to, I thought about Kashi. The way he always smile at me...and the way he talks to it all a mistake? Did I mistaken his closeness for love and not just friends? It hurts. I feel so stupid.
          Hashi's face surfaced in my memory next. The way he held me and told me that he will stay by my that a lie too? Why does my heart race whenever Hashi's near? I groaned. A-am I falling in love with him??! I don't want to experience love, not now. heart would follow what I want.

I-I am scared I will fall in love with Hashi.....

A/N : I'm so stupid!!!! This is a very very short chapter cos I deleted the draft so damnitt I'm sorrrrrryyyyy

This story is ending. Soon. Cya until then!


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