Chapter 5

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The heartbreak of one person results in the happiness of another.

***Hashiyan POV***

      "So, how is it?!" My jealousy is masked beneath the excited tone of my voice as I asked Amatsuki. "He accepted..." he blushed lightly before grinning at me. "Thanks for supporting me, Hashi!" It took all my effort to not snatch him away, and tell him the three words that had been lying on the tip of my tongue for ages now.

I love you.

       My despair must have shown on my face, because Amachan looked worried. "Are you okay?" He asked me, and I forced a small grin. "Just a bit of heartache!" He looked pained. "Perhaps, you like someone?" I did, but my heart was already broken without me confessing.
         "Nope! Just a bit hard to breathe, that's all." He looked unconvinced, but a small joke was enough to pull his attention away. I sighed inwardly as I stared at ShounenT with his arm around Amachan.
         I jolted a little when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" Kashi stood behind me, looking worried. "Nah, it's fine." I turned my head back to the laughing pair. " like someone?" I hummed softly and glanced at him. "Why, planning to set me up with a girl?" I asked, curious, and he blushed a little. "Not really...But I can, if you want?" He sounded a little off.
          "You okay?" I asked him softly, touching his arm. He flinched, and smiled at me. "Can you go home first, Hashi?" "..?" "I'm going to wait for Kashi." There it is again-the invisible knife in my gut. It hurts like hell.
        I forced a smile that feels so fake to me, and said, "Ah, it's fine, I'll go find Un:c anyway. I have a homework to do with him!" Amachan just nodded, and turned away, focusing on the teacher that just came in.
         I sat there miserably, eyes trained on the brunette in front of me. I'm sorry, Amachan. I don't think I can thaw my feelings for you...

*        -       *

           I sat on the chair, staring blankly at the ceiling. I could hear Mafu's soft speech, followed by Un:c's worried tone, and Soraru's deep and slightly emotionless voice.

          After a few more minutes, the door opened and Mafu peeked in. "Hashi, I'm sorry to disturb you, but dinner is ready." He is frowning, and I realized it's probably because this is the first time they have seen me like this. So I forced myself to stand up, and follow him to the dining room.
           "Hey," I mumbled, sitting beside Un:c. Soraru regarded me coolly, like I am a piece of specimen he was asked to check. "All of you guys go first. I have something to speak to Hashiyan," Soraru announced, smiling at Mafu. "Eh, but we haven't had dinn-" "-C'mon, let go!" Mafu dragged the blonde out of the house and soon, it was just the two of us. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, and tried to eat my food.
        "We are probably not that close. But, I think I'm probably the only one that understand what are you feeling right now," Soraru said. "Amatsuki confessed, Kashitaro accepted, right? So now, there is two choice ; you support them and give up on Amatsuki, which I'm pretty sure you can't do, or you work hard to gain his love. I think sooner or later Amatsuki will break up with Kashitaro, so please just take that chance if it ever come to you, and don't be such a stupid person and choose to stay quiet. Because that will never work." I stared at him. "How do you know?" He smiled bitterly.

"I've been through that before."

A/N : Finally! After a painful session of brainstorming and writer's blocks, I finally wrote another chapter. Thank the gods. Anyway, please enjoy this chapter!


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