Chapter 9 - Finale

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·· 5 years later ··

The heartbreak was enough to make Amatsuki scared. He vowed off love for a few years now, afraid of people hurting him.
"Amachaan~!" The brunette turned, and saw his friend running towards him. "Ah, Hashi!" He grinned in respond, and laughed. They went out to eat together that night.

While they are eating, the rapper stopped and turned towards Amatsuki. "Amachan. I have something to tell you." He looked worried, so Amatsuki set his hand down and looked at him. "What is it?" Hashiyan bit his lip and said,

"I love you, Amachan."

The brunette's mouth dropped open and his gaped at his friend. "What?!" "I have loved you even when we are in high school...but I was scared to tell you my feelings...afraid that you will reject me. And since you...broke up with Kashi...I'm afraid...You will hate me." By this time, the rapper looked like he was going to cry already, and Amatsuki gulped.

"...I'm sorry... But," he stopped at looked at Hashiyan, who already have tears in his eyes, like he knew what the answer will be..

"I love you too...," Amatsuki mumbled, and the other male burst into tears. "It's fine- I'll find another one- eh? You said yes?" Hashiyan broke into a big smile and laughed.


A/N : I gave up. It's ending get. Do I'm so sorry...ughh anyway thank you for supporting me for so long. Thank you, uwu


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