Chapter 7

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°°°Amatsuki POV°°°

"I have something to tell you, Amachan."

         I tilted my head a little. "What is it?" I asked. He gulped and start to tell me.

"I think Kashi-kun like another person."
"Why do you think like that?!"
"That day, Un:c and me...we went to stroll around the park. We saw...Kashi-kun with Rib-san. They seemed very..close."
"..Maybe they are just very close friends."
"Kashi-kun kissed Rib-san."

       It felt like my heart broke, and broke some more. There is a part that refused to believe it, but deep inside, I knew. Mafu hugged me, murmuring soft words, but I felt nothing. The only thing in me is screaming betrayal over and over again. Why did he accept me, knowing that he loves Rib? I sobbed silently, my head on Mafu's shoulder. It hurts...
     "I know I shouldn't tell you...But Amachan, you deserve the truth." Maybe the truth is too hard for me to take. Hashi and Soraru walked at that precise moment, and although Hashi's face is of pure bewilderment, Soraru looked at Mafu. "You told him?" Mafu nodded, his hand still at the small of my back.
         "Tell what?!!" Hashi asked, his face scrunched up as he stared at the three of us. "About how Kashitaro cheated on Amatsuki," Soraru stated bluntly, and Mafu screamed, "WHY CAN YOU BE LESS BLUNT?!!" With a glance at me, Soraru shrugged. "Truth hurts. My advice, Amatsuki, for you to take or not, is to confront him and break up. Kashitaro love Rib." He gazed at me, a sliver of emotion that look like pity in his eyes, before turning away. "Mafu, let's go."
          They left me and Hashi in the room, and silence filled in. Suddenly, I stood up, and Hashi looked at me with concern. "Where are you going, Amachan?" "To see Kashi." I turned back and glanced at Hashi. "I'll come visit you later."

*           ·        *

            I knocked on his class's door and saw Kashi, talking with....Rib. My heart clenched but I just forced a smile and waved at Kashi stiffly. I watched as Kashi whispered to Rib, and the other male nodded a little.

          "So, what's wrong, Amachan?" "Is it true that you love Rib?" His eyes widened slightly, and he shifted on his feet. "Is it true?!" My voice rises to a pitch, and he winced. "I'm sorry, Amacha-" "-Why?" Tears started slipping down my cheeks and I wiped then away. "Why must you play with my feelings like this?"
         He hugged me, and I stiffened. "I'm sorry, I don't mean it...I don't wanna hurt you, but.." Suddenly I felt cold all over, and I pushed away from Kashi.

"Let's break up."

"What?" Kashi asked, his eyes wide. I repeated my words, averting my eyes away from Kashi's gaze. "If you like Rib, then it's better if we just stay friends." I'm sorry, Amachan.." Kashi said, wet tears staining his cheeks. "It's fine...," I smiled despite myself, and we hugged.

        When I was alone on the roof, I finally let myself cry.

A/N : This story is supposed to be fluff! What have I done....? Did I make it an angst? Please no, I want to write as many fluff before I publish my next soramafu fanfic...Uhhhh I AM SORRY- I don't mean to make Kashitaro like that......uhhhh
      As for the next chapter, it might be nothing special, I'm scared the story will not advance, but spoiler, this story will be ending soon. As for the kradluz fanfic, I might die because the writer's block is screaming at me. Stress is definitely piling up on me, plus the bad days that are kinda making me go into depression again.

I'm sorry for the long rant... Anyway cya!



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