Chapter 6

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***Hashiyan POV***

         "What do you mean?" I asked, intrigued. He just shook his head, and replied with a 'nothing'. I pouted and glared at him. "Is it with Mafu?" "No. One of my previous lovers." "You have how much lovers before Mafu?" I asked. He sighed and looked out the window, past me. "Tons. But none quite catch my eye like that angel. None except one." I almost got him to spill it, I can't give up now! "Who?" "It is-" he broke off and glared at me. "No one!"
             I just sighed and shook my head, crawling to the sofa. "Ew, what are you doing?" "Going to watch tv." I hear him sigh and looked back at him. He gestured me to go towards him and I went. "Sit here. I'll tell you all about....him." I complied and he started to talk.

°°°Amatsuki POV°°°

         I walked in without saying anything because I think Hashi will be out with Un:c. Pushing the door in, I heard a husky voice talking in low tones, and a familiar rapper's voice whispering. I peeked through Hashi's open door and saw Soraru sitting on his bed, while Hashi is leaning against him.

        So I stared, open-mouthed at the scene for a good ten minutes, until Hashi sat up and smiled. "I see!" He said cheerfully, and Soraru groaned a little. "Don't tell Mafu, get it?" He chastised Hashi and the rapper grinned in return. "Got it!"
          I backed away, and ran back out of the house.

*        ·        *

           The next day, I was hanging out with Hashi and Mafu and Soraru was there, and I feel uncomfortable. "Tell me, what did Soraru-san tell you?! He doesn't want to tell me!!!" Mafu whined to Hashi and the rapper just kept giving Soraru weird looks that the senior returned with cold stares.
          Finally, he blurted out, "Soraru-senpai used to love Suzumu-senpai very much, and when they broke up he felt like his heart broke into a million pieces and it hurts for him!!" He stood up right after that and ran off screaming. Mafu gave Soraru a teary eyed look and with a small sigh, the senior kissed Mafu and stood up. "I'm sorry, I have to find that idiot now."

        After a while of sniffling, Mafu turned to me. "So!" He said cheerfully. "How is your relationship with Kashi-kun working?" I nodded a little, smiling. "He is great! I really love him...", I trailed off when I saw the look on his face. "What's wrong, Mafu?" The albino sighed and looked away.

"I have something to tell you. Amachan...."

A/N : This is really short chapter...I deleted the draft so ah, whatever? But just 400+ words, I'm really dying right now. This chapter is full of misunderstandings and stuff, and Soraru used to be with Suzumu? **shocked** Yeah, anyway, although this is a short chapter, the next chapter is going to be -I think- quite long so please wait for it! The story might or might not be ending soon, maybe...actually I'm kinda scared that it wouldn't progress after the next

Spoiler : The last sentence said by Mafu, had something to do with Kashitaro.



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