Chapter 3

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*Harry's POV*



We started the game and it was basically like me and Bree were against each other. Like no one else was there. Every time I was close to scoring Bree would totally cut me off and steal the ball.

"Styles! Be a man and actually play the game! If you don't you have 20 laps tomorrow!" Coach Nix screamed. After that we tried so hard to dominate but the girls totally beat us. 88-36.

Looks like i have 20 laps tomorrow. After the game, Bree and Leah started walking towards the locker room. I started checking her out. I bit my lip then heard a voice behind me.

"She won't ever go for you. I was you last year, but she always told me no." Cameron sighed.

"i'll be the judge of that."

I walked off in front of Bree and took me shirt off, just to show off. it obviously worked because she was blushing really bad i smirked then went into the locker room, leaving her to her thoughts.



*Leah's POV*



I was so exhausted after Volleyball that I was really excited for lunch. Thank god we had 2 hours for lunch. Niall and I decided to get Chinese takeout and a movie in my room. After getting takeout we were taking the elevator to my room.

"Hey babe?" Niall asked.


"You do know that Harry and Bree are totally into each other right?"

"Of course. It's so obvious. But, I can tell you right now that their relationship will be so toxic. Umm Pitch Perfect or Grease?"

"Grease! Like always! Anyway why would you think it would be toxic?"

"I mean, yeah they would be a cute couple, but they would have a lot of problems. I have been Bree's best friend since like 5th grade. i can tell you right now that she will have trouble falling in love with him."

"Leah, i understand, but there is something else that I need to tell you."

"yeah love?" Niall sat up and grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"babe, i'm leaving."

"Ok. If you have to go right now, then i understand."

"Princess, I mean i'm leaving school. I'm auditioning for the X-Factor"

"OMG! Really babe! That is so exciting. When do you leave?"

"One month." I sat there in silence.

"Wow... uh... that's a short amount of time."

Niall lifted my chin up and kissed me. "Princess, it will all be ok. We'll skype, text, talk on the phone whenever I can." I slightly smiled.

"I guess that's ok..." I said sarcastically.

"That's my girl. Now let's watch the movie before we have to go to class.


*Bree's P. O. V. *

after our definite ass whoop to the guys Leah and I headed to the locker room when Harry came up and took his shirt off, that cheeky bastard. ah I was dying and he had the same jersey number as me in lacrosse and basketball. I couldn't help but look and blush because to be honest he was even more hella fine then I thought.

finally lunch came around and I went to my dorm for some left over nandos because I didn't feel like getting anything else. I sat on my bed watching Teen Wolf of course when I knock came from my toilet door.

I opened it to see Harry. "hey beautiful" he said. ugh I just died again.

"hey love" I said back.

"do you mind if I hang out in here for lunch?"

"no, not at all" I said as Harry came and sat on my bed.

"Bree, can I tell you something?" "oh sure"

"well..." he said as he kissed me straight forward. it was breath taking and once it broke I was blushing hard.

"uumm..." I didn't know what to say. when I was about to ask him why he stormed out of my room and slammed the door and I was just like, wthhh?

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