Chapter 9

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SEXUAL CONTENT. Don't say I didn't warn you.



Louis' POV



"Guys! I'm so stoked. This plan is working out perfectly."

We just got back to the academy, while the girls were at school, that way we can sneak into our old doorms without being noticed.

I really hope they like that we surprised them, because it is one of our only weeks off.

The boys ad I were grinning and laughing, talking about all the memories that we've made in these halls.

"I really miss Leah. I don't see why we have to hideout till the weekend. Plus it's really hot in here." Niall complained.

"Well then open the door a little." Liam suggested.

Niall got off the bed and slightly cracked the door.

"Leah can be such a bitch, can't she just open her freaking eyes for once!"

I knew that voice from anywhere. I saw Harry smile and he jumped up racing for the door, luckily Zayn tripped him, causing him to fall.

"What the hell Zayn?" Harry hissed.

"Guys can you shut up? I hear something. You guys' go to Louis' room and Louis will stay here with me." Niall demanded.

The boys slowly crept out of Niall's room into mine. I crawled to the corner with Niall, and peeked through the door to see what was going on. We saw Leah storm out of her room and start walking to Bree's room.

"She looks hot!" Niall grinned.

I can't blame him.

She was wearing a cut-off shirt that said NORTHRIDGE VOLLEYBALL and black spandex.

She must have had practice today.

Since her shirt was cut off a little above her belly button, you could clearly see that she got it pierced. Her hair was in a messy bun, and all of her make-up was taken off.

While I was examining her, I didn't even notice she was talking to Bree.

"I can't believe you Bree! You need to apologize to Aaron!" Leah sassed.

"NO! Maybe you should get you head out of your ass, it's not a hat! How can you be so clueless?" Bree hissed.

"Clueless to what?"

"Aaron is trying to break you and Niall up! He wants you all to himself!"

"Wow Bree, you are such a bitch! I can't believe you would go that far, just because you're jealous that no one like's you." Leah snapped.

"I have Harry! I don't need anyone else!"

"Please, you need the attention." Leah scoffed.

"At least I'm not a selfish whore like you! How many guys do you plan on fucking this year? I'm thinking around 10 or 20?" Bree remarked.

Holy shit. It just got real.

"Don't ever talk to me again." Leah choked out.

Bree just rolled her eyes and ran back to her room.

What the hell happened?



Leah's POV

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