Chapter 17

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Bree's POV

I woke up on top of Harry with him looking at me. "Creep," I whispered laughing. "I'm not a creep!" he whispered/yelled and we both laughed. "What time is it anyway?" "7:00 and Simon wants us in his office by 10:00."

"We have plenty of time to do whatever we want," I said rolling over.

"And what would you want to do?" he asked giving me a smile.

"Well I am going to take a shower so you can do whatever you'd like."

"Oh whatever," he stated as I rose from the bed.

I got into my suitcase and got some unders and some nike shorts.

"Would you mind if I wore your sweater today?"

"No I don't mind at all," Harry said smiling as I went into the bathroom for a shower.

I played some music and I turned the water on and stepped in. I started washing my body and let the warm water hit my skin, relaxing my muscles.

Soon into my shower a sad song started to play, Fix You by Coldplay. I started to get all emotional and sad inside and I started to think about how I fucked up. I could ruin Harry's and maybe all the boys's careers today, mine and Leah's too.

I started crying and I had to cover my mouth to cover up my sobs. I continued crying even into the next song and then the door opened.

"Bree? Are you okay?" Harry asked and I continued to cry. He came in and shut the door behind him. There was silence for a second until Harry opened the shower curtain with a towel in his hand and wrapping it around me and turning off the shower.

He sat me down on the floor and held me, "What's going on?," he asked rocking me.

"I'm such a fuck up Harry, I ruin everything," I told him crying into his chest.

"No you're not okay? Just trust me a and everything will be okay, we'll be okay," he said holding me, "Come on," he said helping me up and turning on the water. He sat me on the edge of the bathtub wiping my tears.

"Come on babe, be strong," he said giving me a hug .

"Okay, okay," I said breathing in to stop crying and hugging him back.

"I'm going to take a shower okay, go lay down for awhile alright?"

"No, no I'll start getting ready," I told him and he smiled and kissed my forehead. We both stood up and he hugged me again and I smiled.

I left the bathroom to change and after I went back and did my hair and put on some mascara and brushed my teeth. I waited on Harry and he was ready before me.

We went down to the kitchen so he could eat. I sat down at the island table as Harry got some cereal.

"Are you gonna eat?" he asked

"I'm not really hungry," I said.

"You should eat something, here's cereal," he said giving me his bowl as he got another for himself.

"Hey Harry and Bree, are you guys ready?" Niall said coming down the stairs with Leah.

"Yeah we're just eating something real fast and then we'll be ready to leave," Harry replied.

"Okay cool," Niall said going towards the living room.


We entered Simons office with all the boys, leah , Anne, my mom, and I. We all stood in front of Simons desk.

"Good morning, let's get right to business. Boys I'm signing you on to Syco records and you should know exactly why," Simon said as they were smiling and Louis hugged our mom and Harry his.

"Second, Leah and Bree, I'm signing you for a band, you have to come up with a name and the we need a guitarist and a drummer."

"Bree can play the guitar!" Louis said and I have him a small smile.

"Alright then, just a drummer," Simon said with little emotion. "Alright that's all, we just need to be working in the studio from now on so you know what that's means about school. Okay, you're all dismissed," he said and everybody was almost out the door.

"Wait, umm I have to tell everybody something," I spoke up and everybody looking at me. I looked at Harry and he came and stood next to me holding my hand.

"I, uh, I'm. I'm pregnant," I said and I looked at Simon looking down shaking his head.

"Is it Harry's?" I heard Anne ask.

"No, it's another's," I spoke and then turned back to Simon.

"Well I don't know what we're going to do about that," Simon saying sitting up in his chair.

"Sir, I'm not going to get an abortion or keep it, I'll put it up for adoption. And the public won't know about it because we'll be recording and other stuff right?" I explained.

"That is correct but I don't know about it."

"Please Simon, I can't ruin this for the people around me," I said.

"Alright but no one can know outside of this room alright, let's get you all to London," Simon said and everyone cheered.

My mom came and hugged me even though I thought she would be really disappointed. I said a hello to Anne which I thought she would hate me but she was very kind.

Harry hugged me and held my hand on the way out, "See, I told you everything would be fine."

please go read miscreation please please it would mean a lot.

Sorry short chapter but more updates soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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