Chapter 15

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Harry's POV


"Hey Harry, let me speak to you for a minute." Simon said walking past me and Zayn talking.

I approached Simon in the corner.

"What's up Simon?"

"You remember when you showed me that girl a couple months ago?."

"Uh, yeah, yeah I do." I said feeling a sting of pain.

"What was her name again?

"Bree Tomlinson"

"Well, just want to get some information on her, I understand she's Louis' sister."


"Really? Well I'll talk to him and their mum. I want to fly her out here and see what she has, then I might sign her."


"Yes Harry. Oh and we think it might do her good if it could be a group so we'll find people, it would be better." He said walking away.

"Simon wait!" Niall said jumping up from his seat, then standing next to me.

"What Niall?"

"I know a girl. You can bring her here too."

"Alright guys I'm quite busy now, just tell my secretary the info and we'll let you know, okay?"

"Alright Simon, thanks."

"No problem boys."

I looked at Niall and we smiled.

It kind of made me sad thinking of Bree but, I'm giving her, her space.

Bree's POV


I sat in the waiting room of the doctors office.

I was all by myself, Noah couldn't make it.

They finally called my name.

"Bree Tomlinson." the lady said kindly.

I got up and went to the door.

"How can we help you today?"

"Uum, I think I might be pregnant."

"Ok, have you taken any home tests?"

"No ma'am"

"Alright well we'll get you some tests." she said smiling and leading me into a room.

She ran some tests and told me to go home and she would call when the results were in.

I went back to my dorm and took a shower and laid down.

It was around 7 o'clock when someone knocked on my door.

I got up to answer it.


"Sadie!" I yelled hugging her.

She came in and sat on the floor.

"How's your family?"

"They're good, Louis is away at the xfactor. "

"Oh yeah, he's a decent singer."

"No, great."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." she said, both of us laughing.

I had just sat down when my phone rang..

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello is this Bree Tomlinson?"

"Yes it is."

"Miss Tomlinson, I have your test results."

Leah's POV


"Leah babe."

"Hey Niall, I miss you."

"I miss you too princess, guess what!"


"Well earlier this year Harry talked to Simon about getting Bree in or something like that and he wants to fly her out here and hear her."

"That's great!"

"It gets better!"


"Simon said he would find people to be in a group because he knows she'll be stronger in a group."

"What are you saying Niall?"

"And I suggested you!"


"Babe he wants to fly you out here too!"

"Holy crap! That's amazing. I'm gonna go talk to Bree!"

"I think Harry's gonna call her so wait a while."

"Okay babe, I love you."

"I love you too." and we hung up.

I was so excited.


Me famous?

This is crazy!

Harry's POV

I decided to call Bree and tell her the news from Simon.

"He- Hello?" Bree said crying.

"Bree, what's wrong babe?"

"I- I- I'm" she cried more.

"You're what?"

"I'm, Im pregnant."

I dropped my phone.


Well here ya go,

I have to be at school on a freaking Saturday cause of this thing.

No I don't have Saturday school.

Well I'm glad I got to update and I know exactly what's going to happen.

And just a reminder, dis is in de pas tense.

Well work our way up to the present.

I love you guys and go read


Take Me Home

That Surfer Girl


Right fucking now

keep derpin

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