Part 2

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As I walked down the street with the case in my hand horrible thoughts came rushing through my head. I was just praying that they wouldn't find me and if they did that they left my family and the guys alone. But I know that wouldn't happen if I did get caught. I know full well that if they got me then they would destroy the guys along with me.

This thought made me feel physically sick as my heart raced. I had to keep watch over my shoulders as knowing them they would come from behind and get me. The steps were simple. All I had to do was just move one foot in front of the other, in the right direction and fast enough to get there. As soon as I'm there I know that I would be more safe, but I could never be completely safe, I knew that. My heart beat started to get faster and I started to sweat even more as thoughts of what they were going to do flooded my brain again.

Just imagining them hurting Andy and what defence would he have? They could crush him with their voice. Then there's Joe. They know what his biggest fear is and I know that they would use it against him. And of course Pete. He is one of my closest friends and I know all of the rubbish he's been through over the years. They could easily break him if they knew about it all. Which they probably did. I couldn't bare the thought of them being hurt.

My thoughts finally lightened up and returned to what I had to do. I was almost there and I started to quicken my pace. As I reached the corner a kid was riding towards me on a bike. I then realised that this is the first person I had seen on this street today. I guess it was just because my thoughts were racing through my mind so I hadn't noticed anyone else.

But as I got closer to him he seemed to stop ahead of me and smiled a little. I started to slow down and returned the smile nervously. Why has this kid stopped? Why was he smiling at me? I took a few more slow steps towards him then everything went black. The next thing I know I was awake, tied to a chair with a throbbing pain in the back of my head. At that point, I knew it was all over.

The young blood chronicles, Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump's point of viewTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang