Part 8

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*Thanks for reading guys :) sorry if it's been a while since I've updated, I've had troubled thoughts (and the self esteem to match, what a catch) sorry I just had to XD I love hearing what you guys think, hope you enjoy :)*

I could feel the guys moving towards the front of the van so that we were all close together. Our arms and legs were all touching and it made me feel a little safer to feel them there. The laughter of female voices travelled above the crackling of the fire that was being placed next to us. What where these girls going to do to with us and why? My heart was racing again which wasn't helped by the fact that the bag over my head made it harder to breathe. The ropes around my ankles and wrists felt even tighter than before as I tried to slide myself out of them. The guys around me were doing the same from what I could tell as the girls closed the door to the van. Then we started to move again but this time accompanied by scorching hot objects.

The heat was practically burning me as I sat and tried to writhe free of my ties. A faint whimper came from, who I guessed was, Andy and the pair of arms next to me stopped moving.

"Come on Andy don't give up! Keep trying!" Joe's voice was full of panic and fear even though he did his best to hide it. He was clearly also next to Andy and obviously felt his body stop wriggling as once he had said those words the limbs next to me were moving again. 'Come on, we have to escape...We have to...' I kept telling myself over and over in my head trying to believe the words but it was pointless. What was the point in making these wishes in the dark where no one can save us? I stopped trying to escape. I didn't want to waste pointless energy did I? We had failed. We were going to die.

After some tears had already fallen from my sore eyes the van had stopped again and people were evacuating it. I awaited the doors to open again with hope that it would let the heat escape into the night. But no one came. The doors stayed shut and it got even hotter. I couldn't control my emotions anymore and neither could the others. We were all crying like nervous wrecks but I think we had a good reason to. After all, we were going to die. The sobs continued at the same volume, accompanied by the crackling of the flames beside me when unexpectedly a voice spoke.

"I know how we can get out of here. Just do what I tell you, when I tell you, and this will work." His voice still filled me with hurt and hate. I still couldn't believe what he had done to me. Pete, my own best friend, had ruined my life. Not only mine but the others too. Maybe if he had helped me escape we wouldn't be here.

"And how are we going to do that then Pete!? We're stuck here and we're going to die!" Andy had lost it. He hardly ever spoke let alone shout and now he was crying even more than before. This is all my fault for getting caught. We're going to die.

"Just trust me okay..." He tried to calm Andy but I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"How can I trust you!? You could have saved us, set us free if you were the one who did this to me! But you left us for dead. And now we're going to die!" Pete didn't seem to have a response to my words and neither did the others. Silence fell between our voices as the fire started to become unbearable. This is it. I never thought it would have ended this way. I always thought I would grow old and die peacefully with my friends and family around. But instead I'm going to die along side two of my friends and the person I hate the most right now. I can't believe it's ending like this.

Suddenly there was movement and tugging at the end of my left arm. Something was making a kind of sawing motion along it. What was going on? I tried to pull my arm back towards me to stop it from happening and it must have worked. The tension that was pulling it from me gave way after I used a bit of force. What was that anyway? There's nothing in here with there? Fear started to run through me again as I tried to imagine my surroundings outside of this bag. All of the worst scenarios crossed my mind. Could there be bugs in here with us? Animals? Even other people?

My thoughts were interrupted by the grasp of hands on the ropes tying my wrists and ankles. I tried to escape their grip. Who were they and what were they going to do? Their hands wouldn't let go. The fingers kept fumbling with the knots until after a little while the ropes came loose.

"Who are you?" I asked as my curiosity rose but there was no answer. Only the sound of the back door opening and the relief of the cool air reaching us now. Shortly after the door was opened, hands were on my back pushing me past the fire and out of the van. I stumbled to my knees once I was clear of the metal hell that had been containing us. Another two bodies fell to the ground near me too. But where was the third? Who was still in there? But the question that burned in my mind most wasn't any of these. I needed to know who saved us. Who was it? What were they doing here? And why did they save us?

The young blood chronicles, Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump's point of viewWhere stories live. Discover now