Part 5

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The noises came closer behind me and once they were close enough I turned to look at who it was. Sure enough there they all were. Amongst the attractive girls, in the same tight black clothes, I could see them being brought in. The beautiful ladies took them each to a seat and attached a wire to each of their hands. I'm sure that they will be grateful for it. Looking at each of them I saw they were all blind folded but they seemed to have got away easily. I mean, each of them seemed to have all of their limbs.

After a few seconds of being sat there watching them lull their heads around, curious the girls came back. This time they were holding a machine of some sort with tubes coming out of it. One of them came close to my side and I watched her move perfectly. As she leaned down in front of me she placed the pipe in my mouth. Instantly I knew what to do and took in the smoke that was coming from it. She then removed it from my mouth smiling making me want her more as my head started to feel light. Everything is so peaceful.

After the ladies had passed round the pipe to each of us another came walking out with a silver tray. She came closer to me then lowered it in front of my face to reveal that it was in fact piled with several coloured powders. Immediately she placed a straw like object near my nose with the other end at the powder. I looked at her perfect face and she nodded, grinning, and egging me on to do it. So I did. The rush from the powder travelling through me was amazing. Once I had finished my pile I saw her move along to Pete who when he took it exclaimed with power and energy at the sensation.

Everything around was coming alive and I was getting even more restless. The drugs coursing through my body made me feel like I could run a mile without needing to stop. After a little while of being away many girls came back with more silver trays. This time they were filled with food and meat. I thought I could eat it all. It was as if they knew that I would be so hungry as they started feeding it to us seductively. The food tasted so good, the best I'd ever had! They started to feed the boys some blood red liquid which I could only guess was wine. The boys seemed to be enjoying this feast as much as I was.

Eventually the formal feast ended and it was time to go wild. As soon as they unleashed me from the brown straps and gave the boys back their vision it was as if a volcano of energy had erupted. Wine was flying all over the room along with the chants and voices of the boys. Each of them laughed with me at my injuries and the moment was perfect. The girls came back, this time wearing strange masks but that didn't bother me. They still had perfect bodies and now I was free to do what I like with them. They started joining in with our noise and dance too. Some of them were beginning to undress which pleased all of us.

The party carried on long into, what I guessed was, the night. Each of the guys eventually got removed from the room when the drugs started to wear off. When I woke up again, I was again tied to a chair. I was beginning to get fed up with these brown straps that bind me to the rotting wood.

The young blood chronicles, Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump's point of viewWhere stories live. Discover now