Part 14

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*I am so sorry for the long wait! I will try not to leave it as long in the future :S*

The car ride there was almost silent. The only sounds were the sobs escaping my chest. Time seemed to be moving so slow, the car journey seemed to last forever and I couldn't figure out why. Although I had this feeling, I still couldn't help but think that time had also gone so fast. Only, probably, an hour ago we were together and things were looking up. Now I wish I was with Joe. I can't live with this hanging on my head. The tears escalated out of control the more I thought about it. I just want to die. That is the only thing that could make this pain stop.

Finally the car pulled up outside the station. The policemen got out and then helped me out. It was nice to see that they were being just as rough after that long drive. I still didn't resist. There was no point. Only once we started walking into the building I realised how it wasn't just my heart that was aching. My body was too. I guess it was understandable considering what had happened the last few days but they didn't take my health into account. Their grips on my arms were still just as hard, even with the occasional whimper that escaped my mouth. Sometimes, it even seemed like they tightened their hold with every complaint. I definitely didn't dare try to look at their faces. When we walked in I was taken to a white wall with markings on it, each mark counting up in twos. They placed me in front of the wall then took a picture with the camera that was opposite. I guess it was for a mug shot.

"Get rid of the hook." The man behind the desk ordered even though he sounded completely calm. He could have even sounded polite if it wasn't for the actual words he had said. I looked at the guys, who had taken me towards the desk, as one pinned my arm to the desk and the other grabbed hold of the hook. As soon as he managed to get hold of it I screamed out in pain while trying to pull my arm free. I hadn't noticed before but my stump was so sore. It felt like needles were being pushed into (what was left of) my arm, every time they tried to pull the metal off. My screams only increased in volume with each increase of force.

In the end it came off, leaving my wound to touch the fresh air again. It stung like a thousand bees were attacking it and I couldn't help but hold my breath. It eased the pain a little I guess.

"Right. Now we need a blood sample." Again the calm man behind the desk spoke. This time grabbed a small case from the desk and opened it. From what I could see there was nothing inside apart from a white foam surface. Then suddenly the man holding my arm started to move it again. This time he was lifting it and bringing it back down into contact with the foam. As soon as the two touched I couldn't help but scream again. The man rolled it around a little, applying more pressure then he finally let go. By then, tears were already falling again and I had to try to calm my heart rate. The pain in my arm was almost as bad as the one in my chest.

Once the man behind the desk had cleared the case away and taken a few more details I was led to get changed. My dignity was shattered as I wasn't given any privacy and of course I needed a hand. Dressing yourself is pretty hard to do with one of them. But the man who helped me made it as easy for me as it could have been. At least he wasn't going out of his way to make me feel even worse. Once I was dressed the man put metal clasps attached to chains around my ankles. I guess it was to weight me down and stop me from running away. But I had no intention of running, besides my heart was weighing me down much more than any chain could. The two men from the car took either arm again and started to walk me somewhere, my cell I guess. The chains rattled with every step, they were so heavy that they almost held me back, but the men pulled me forward. With both of them beside me I felt so small, microscopic.

After walking around a corner and past a few empty cells they brought me to one at the end of a corridor. There was no one else in the passage apart from us. When they leave, I'll be alone with my thoughts, and at this very moment in time, that didn't sound like a good thing. They pushed me forward into the cell and closed the door behind me, making sure they locked it. After double checking the lock they turned and walked around the corner. I was completely alone. It didn't take long for the thoughts to start, and with every one of them I wanted to be deeper in the earth. I wish I was with Joe. I wish I was dead. Hell must be better than this.

The young blood chronicles, Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump's point of viewUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum