Part 10

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*so sorry for the long wait guys! :S*

The longer I ran the darker the night and my thoughts seemed to get. Every scream I heard from a distance made my heart beat faster. The fact that the ground underfoot was uneven made it harder too. We were going to die. Who ever had saved us didn't do a very good job. I kept running and still had no idea where the others were. They could be dead already for all I know. Although my heart was beating faster than ever it had sunk to rock bottom. I was going to die. And so where the others.

As I ran, I occasionally looked over my shoulder to see if I had lost the kid but he never stopped. His footsteps were never far behind me and he didn't seem like he was going to slow down any time soon. He was still carrying the stereo and made it seem like it was as light as a feather. This kid couldn't be human. He had to be something supernatural. No child his age could follow this easily carrying that.

My footing slipped on something and I took a fall. I might as well have tripped down twelve steps as the climb to my feet seemed to waste too much time. I didn't dare look behind me as I was sure that the kid would have been only a step behind. Once I was safely on my feet I started running again. The path between the trees that I was following seemed to have opened up to a small field. I looked straight ahead to a gap in the trees the other side setting that as my goal. I kept running. I had to make up for the time I wasted on the ground. But then suddenly it all went black.

Then suddenly there was light again. I was conscious again. But this time I wasn't heading for the gap in the trees. This time I was facing a man who was holding the stereo now and at his feet was the body of the kid. As I looked closer I saw that his head was no longer attached to him. A new kind of fear raced through me as panic took over my body. I took one last look at the guy, who looked terrified, then turned and started running on my original path again. As I ran the guy started running after me.

"Wait! I'm..." But his words were cut short as a gruesome sound of flesh crushing rang through my ears. I don't know why I did but I looked back just for a second. That was enough for me. I wish I had never looked back now. Some things can never be unseen.

I had to run. Each breath had to count towards keeping me alive. But I couldn't run forever. My legs were starting to ache more than my hand was, or at least what was left of it. I had to stop. No. I can't. I stop, I die. But I couldn't carry on any longer. I looked behind to check whether the girls had followed me or not and my heart lifted a little to see that I was alone. I found a little clearing between some trees and let myself fall to the ground.

I spent the next five minutes trying to bring my breathing back to normal and to try and calm down but it was harder than ever. Images of his body falling to the floor. The pain on his face as he fell. Then seeing the axe that was protruding from his back, surrounded by red. What I couldn't help wondering was the fact that they had killed him. Wasn't he on their side...? But then another thought crossed my mind. Maybe it was him who saved us. That would make sense. He saved us, so they killed him. Who was he though?

And then the thoughts about what happened exactly between the kid and the man crossed my mind. I don't understand why I keep blacking out. I lost consciousness, yet I had moved. I only lost it for, what must have been, a few seconds. That's not even possible is it? What the hell is happening to me? Then there were the images of the girls in black. This is what worried me most out of all these troubling matters. They were still after us and now the four of us are miles apart.

The young blood chronicles, Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump's point of viewKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat