Part 11

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*Thanks guys for reading and voting :D here's another update, sorry it's been a while :S...but...I have something special. I've finally started the story from Pete's point of view :) please take a look on my profile for it if you like this :)*

The forest floor, trees all around. Something making it's way down my chest. I open my eyes to see a snake, but I recognise it from somewhere. I try to get up and get away from it but it remains on my chest. As I try to run from it flashbacks from the past few days flood my mind. I'm reliving it all again.

I regain consciousness, thank god it was just a dream. More like a nightmare really but at least it wasn't real. My body aches, whatever I was sleeping on wasn't exactly comfortable. I opened my eyes to take in my surroundings and horror hit me. I was living my nightmare. Around me were just trees, twigs and leaves. I used my aching arms to sit up, only to find that I was in the exact same place as my dream. I checked my chest, relief flooded through me as I saw there was no snake. I could still picture it clearly.

I shuddered, shook off the strange things that had just happened and got to my feet. Now I just had to find where I was, find someway to get to safety. I started walking, or rather staggering, along a path through the trees hoping it would lead somewhere, or better, I would find one of the guys. I wonder where they are, or if they are even alive. Maybe they are all safe and looking for me? I knew it was unlikely but it's what I hoped was right.

I kept walking, my whole body burning with pain. A noise ahead caught my attention. It sounded like a car, was there a road near by? At the thought of this, I pushed the pain to the back of my mind and sped up. Sure enough, through the trees I found a small, quiet road. I couldn't see any cars, not even the one I had just heard. Maybe this road will lead me somewhere safe? With this thought I started to stagger along the road, watching out for any cars that may be coming. After only about a minute of walking I could hear a car coming from behind, I stopped and turned to look out for it. I raised my hand, to try and get the drivers attention but they just drove past. Couldn't they see I needed help? Then as I lowered my hand I saw the reason why they didn't pick me up. Who would pick up someone in my state? Especially if they have a hook for a hand.

I kept walking and for about five minutes not another car passed me. Then, randomly there was a car, orange and more like truck, driving my way. I couldn't care less if they saw my hook now, so I raised my left hand again, to my surprise, they stopped. I stepped up to the passenger door, opened it and looked inside the truck to see a young woman driving.
"What can I do to help? You look terrible." The words fell out of her mouth, as if they meant nothing, but her face looked concerned.
"Help me find my friends and a hospital. I need help." I didn't care that she seemed different, I needed help. I got in, closed the door and then we started our journey.

"So what has happened to you?" Her voiced still lacked meaning but it's the thought that counts right?
"Long story. I don't really want to talk about it. I just need to find my friends." I didn't want to think about what had happened over the last few days. Anyway, she probably wouldn't believe me if I told her.
"So where are your friends going to be?" With every word she spoke she seemed to get stranger and stranger. I didn't believe a word she was saying but I couldn't stop listening, hanging on to every sound that came out of her mouth.
"I honestly have no idea. They've got to be around here somewhere though." I answered, even though it was pointless. I was no help.
"Well we will find them. I won't stop until we do." This time she was looking back at me, with a strange expression. She was smiling, innocently, but something didn't seem right.

"Thanks." I replied looking away from her and out the window. Looking for some sign of normality in my life. I couldn't find any, my life was ruined. Man, I would trade all my tomorrow's for just one yesterday.

The young blood chronicles, Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump's point of viewWhere stories live. Discover now