Part 17

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He was just a guy. He had short hair and wore glasses but was still just a simple man. Well apart from the fact that he looked fairly old that is. He walked down the stairs, pretty ordinarily too, until he was in front of us.

"Welcome! Blood brothers, you made it." His voice was deep and grand and very welcoming. "I have to say I was worried you boys wouldn't be able to do it. That you really wouldn't make it."

Pete's curiosity got the better of him "what do you mean? Made what? You planned for us to die?"

God looked surprised and a little taken back but still friendly.

"Saving rock and roll of course. That's what you were trying to achieve right?" We all nod in agreement. That was what we were supposed to achieve. But we failed, they have the case and we're dead.

"I'm sorry sir but, I think we failed. We're kind of dead." Andy sounded nervous as he spoke. Afraid he'd say something wrong and be banished to hell.

"That is true. But that doesn't mean you can't still do it." I was still so confused, this didn't make sense. And judging by his expression and his further explanation our faces must be making it clear that we didn't understand.

"I will send you back. Back to earth to save this. I can't let destroy rock and roll. So I will raise you like a phoenix and you will save them. All of the believers, they can't die." What he was saying still didn't make much sense but I could see where his intentions lie.

"I will defend the faith, going down swinging." Hopefully he'd understand how badly I want to do this with that statement and by the looks of it he did. He turned to me and smiled.
"After all, believers never die. " Pete added and the others nodded. Faith in ourselves had been restored. We were gonna do this.

After other small talk conversations god handed us the weapons we'd use in this war. They were the very same weapons that we'd been using to fight the war while we were alive. Andy with his sticks, Joe with his electric, Pete with his bass and me with my guitar. I looked at the others holding their instruments and the happiness returning to their eyes. For the first time since I'd been captured I felt, in my heart, that things were going to be okay, eventually.

"Are you ready?" God asked although we didn't really have a choice, as we nodded we were being teleported to earth by some heavenly magic. The site shocked us all. They'd opened the case, set it free. Rock and roll was being destroyed right in front of our eyes while we were supposed to be saving it. Blood and guts were everywhere and the air was full of screams.

That was until Joe and Andy started chanting at the top of their lungs.
"Oh no we won't go, we don't know when to quit, no, no."
I don't know how or when but the rest of us started playing and joining in with the chant until people started listening to us. The moment felt like a spell had been cast upon everyone in the room. The music and the chant started to fill the room.

The screams thinned and the rate of blood loss slowed. As we played they started stopping, standing still, watching us. They seemed transfixed by our music. Some showed signs of happiness while listening, some had tears in their eyes. These faces warmed my insides again. This was what I was put on this earth to do, not just to save rock and roll but to also save people with rock and roll. Eventually almost everyone had stopped and crowded around us, being drawn to us by the music. All except one. The leader.

She stood just past the crowd and a darkness hung around her. Her presence brought a shadow to the room and now I finally understood why so much blood had been shed. Her power crazy mind and words had control of all these people and she herself had a darkness inside. I looked over to Pete and noticed his gaze was also directed towards her. His eyes left her for a moment and turned to me and he nodded. I knew what we he was thinking, what we had to do.

We simultaneously stepped into the crowd and started to push our way through them. Andy and Joe soon joined us. The people were reaching out to us as we made our way towards the darkness, each of them leaving red marks on our white clothes, our skin. But they didn't stop us, we still made it through and reunited the other side of the crowd in front of the one in charge. We didn't say or do anything for a while, you could feel the darkness engulfing you. Until eventually Pete did what we came here to do. He put an end to her misery.

After he had done this there was an explosion in the room. The colour red exploded and covered everyone almost as if it was the darkness leaving and dying out, becoming a colour. All of the faces who were watching us showed happiness and all scars and wounds were healed. I couldn't help but look round at amazement at them all. They'd made it.

Pete looked at me and grinned and I couldn't help but grin back and at the others. It's been one hell of a ride but we did it. We saved so many people.
"Told you we'd do it. Told you we'd save rock and roll." Pete said echoing my thoughts. This made them all smile wider and I couldn't help but add something.
"I guess we don't know when to quit."

I know it's going to take a while for things to be okay between us all, a lot has happened, but I know we'll get there eventually. We have to. For all of the car crash hearts and believers who need us to make it back to being okay. We'll make it through for them as long as they try their hardest to make it through for us. Go down swinging.

*so there it is, that's the story over, I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it and I apologise if parts weren't as good as you'd hoped. I wish you all well and all the best in life and I hope Fall Out Boy carry on for years to come to save us. :) x*

The young blood chronicles, Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump's point of viewDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora