Chapter 3

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I was hanging onto the rock for dear life.

"Oh my God!" the man yelled.

I looked down. it was kind of a long fall. which caused me to get scared of falling. by the way I was holding onto the rock I could fall any time now. my hands started to slip.

That's when the man grabbed onto both my hands and pulled on them hard. I don't think he realizes that I'm pretty light and he didn't have to pull that hard.

but next thing I knew I was on top of the man. I quickly got off him. then realised it was Paul, of course..

"What the hell Paul, why did you sneak up on me, don't you know not to disturb a person when they are taking pictures, especially if their on a edge!" I yelled at him, not meaning to yell but it came out that way.

"Well you could say thank you." he said back with a bit of harsh tone in his voice.

"You almost killed me or seriously injured me!" I yelled.

"But I saved you."

I rolled my eyes.

I looked down at my camera it was totally smashed. I felt like crying, my camera is my whole life.

"Are you kidding me!" I yelled.

"What?" he asked.

"My camera it's completely smashed, my camera is like my baby, it has every picture I've ever took in it."

"Just calm down babe and let me look at it."

I handed him my camera.

he stood there looking at it.

"can you fit it?" I asked trying to hold back my tears.

"Well my best friend is really good with fixing electronics, why don't you stop by later and he can look at it."

I thought about it.

"Okay, should I just come to your house?"

"Yes, just show up, my family and I brought him with us on vacation this year because I'm so close to him and would hate to be away from him."

I smiled.

"Okay I'll drop by after dinner."

"See ya then beautiful."

******Later at dinner*****

"So what exactly happened to it Bella?" my father asked.

"I uhh dropped it."

"Bella we told you to be careful with it, it's extremely expensive!" my father yelled.

"Justin hun calm down you know how protective she is over it, this is clearly an accident." my mother said.

my dad didn't say anything, he just left the room.

"Listen mom I uh told a friend I'd go to their house after dinner, May I go?"

my mom smiled. "See your already making friends, of course sweetheart"

"Thanks mom."

I walked to the front door and grabbed a light jacket to throw on since its cold outside. never thought it'd get cold in California even if it was night. I also grabbed my pink beanie and put it on.

I headed outside and started to walk down the road to Paul's house.

but wait which one is it?

I walked along. pasting houses trying to figure out which one is Paul's.

then I came to one of the houses and Paul and a bunch of other people were out side listening to music, skating around, and drinking.

I then felt very uncomfortable, I knew they were all drunk.

then Paul spotted me before I could even turn around and go back home.

"Hey baby! come here and party with us!" He yelled, obviously drunk. where were his parents?

I walked up to him and a bunch of girls.

"Umm no thanks Paul, you said your friend could fix my camera."

"ohhh yeah" he said, "Follow me baby" he winked.

I felt even more uncomfortable now.

he walked me inside to a room, and knocked kinda hard on the door. by the way he acted and walked he was really drunk.

a guy opened the door.

he looked about the same age as Paul, 16 or 17.

"What now Paul?" he asked.

"she's uhh she's" he stopped like he was thinking.

"Im here to see if you could possibly fix my camera." I said.

"Oh your the girl Paul was talking about"

I laughed uncomfortably. "Yeah I guess."

"Well come on in."

"Im just gonna go back to the party." Paul said walking away from us and bumping into a wall. I couldn't help but laugh.

I then walked into Paul's friends room.

he shut the door.

"Well let me see it." he said.

I gave him the camera, he looked at it.

"im Danny by the way."

"nice to meet you I'm Isabella."

he didn't say anything just went and sat at his desk and looked at the camera.

he finally spoke "You can sit there if you'd like" he pointed to a chair by his desk. he didn't even make eye contact with me when he said that, he starred at my camera, thinking.

I sat down.

he grabbed out some tools and started doing stuff to it.

after a while of silence, I broke it by saying "So uhh why aren't you at the party?"

he stopped what he was doing and turned and looked at me.

"Well you see Isabella, that's your name right, I don't drink and never ever will, were not even old enough to drink yet anyways but yet Paul still goes out and does it anyways."

"Well uhh why does he do it? and won't you ever do it?" I asked feeling a bit rude.

"It's a long story."

"Please tell, I'm very curious to know, I mean uh sorry I don't mean to be rude and noisy." I said uncomfortably.

he laughed. "It's alright I'll tell you and that's only because Paul really likes you."

I turned red.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed it! What's Danny gonna tell Isabella about his and Paul's dark past? And why is he telling her they just met.. find out..


My Twitter is @AshsGuurl follow me, tweet me, DM me, whatever you want! :) X

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