Chapter 4

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"So tell me." I said to Paul's best friend, Danny.

he looked me in the eyes.

"Well you see me and Paul are alike in many ways, that's why we're best friends, you see well the reason I'm always with Paul is because I want to get away from my father, he's a drunk, he's consistently drunk no matter what time and my poor mother is forced to work two jobs because my father won't get a job, not like he'd told one down anyways, so I never see my own mother maybe for like an hour a day, but one of the big reasons I'm with Paul all the time is because when my dad is really drunk he'll hit me for the stupidest reasons even if I have someone over, that's why I have sworn never to touch alcohol." he started to tear up and tear even slide down his face.

I almost cried, that is so awful.

"Im so sorry."

"Don't be I've gotten use to it, it's been like this since I was born, I guess I'm lucky I met Paul before I did anything too serious to myself."

"wow, your a pretty strong guy to go through that, but uhh what about Paul?" I asked.

"Well you see Paul's story is almost the same expect for the fact that both his mom and dad drink and a lot like my dad, they both own a big business company so they don't really have to work so they spend must of their days drinking and doing drugs, they've both beaten Paul since he was young, they said that they at first wanted a kid but after he was born and had to go through all the stuff normal parents have to go through that they were done with him that he was basically dead to them and that they hate him for ruining their lives, so Paul started working out and a lot and started partying and drinking and having sex with lots of girls, and sometimes does drugs, and his parents could really careless, hell their probably at the party with him right now."

"wow that's just wow, I just thought he was a totally douche and just choose to be that way but in some way he didn't?"

"Yeah, He grew up around it that's all he really knows."

"Why exactly did you tell me all this I hardly know you guys actually not at all?"

"Well ever since Paul met you he's been talking about you a lot and I just wanted to let you know how he is so you wouldn't think he was a totally douche like you said, he plans on asking you on a date but with him who knows when that will be."

I turned red and smiled.

"plus you seem like a really nice , good , and very truthful person and I guarantee you won't break his break but that's if you even wanna date him."

I think I might've turned even more red and he aw and started to smile.

"Yeah I do."

he laughed "I could tell by your face."

"It doesn't seem like he wants a girlfriend though he's out there partying with all those girls."

"Well it's just what he does best at I guess, but trust me if you two were a thing he'd never do that."

"Well that's good but uhh any ways will you be able to fix my camera?" I asked him.

"Yeah it might be awhile but yeah it'll be perfectly fine when I'm done with it."

"Oh my God thank you thank you thank you! How much money do you want for fixing it I'll give as much as you want"

he laughed "no charge it'll be free this time for a friend of course."

"Yay!" I yelled. I jumped up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. he turned a bit red.

so maybe everything would be fine this summer. I made a new friend that seems to be very open and comfortable with me, which is always great...


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this! keep reading to see what happens!


my Twitter is @AshsGuurl follow me, tweet me, or DM me whatever you want! :) X

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