Chapter 15

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Note: it's already Saturday and Isabella is waiting in the waiting room for Danny.

I sat in a chair flipping through a magazine, super excited to see Danny.

I've been here about an hour now. I wanted to make sure I was early just in case they release him early, I wanna be the first person he sees. My parents are also here, their chatting with some other couple they just met, about who knows what honestly.

The door opened. my head shot up from the magazine in excitement, but it wasn't Danny.

About 20 more minutes passed and finally the door opened again. I looked up from the magazine a bit and saw it was Danny. I through the magazine down and jumped out of my chair and ran to him yelling "Danny!"

He grabbed me and wrapped me in his arms, tight. he smelt weird like hospital, if that's even a smell but he felt so warm and I felt so safe in his arms.

"Danny I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too beautiful"

He then let go of me and put his hand on the side of my face and looked into my eyes. I held onto both his hands, one on my face and the other was intertwined in mine, hanging free.
he put his forehead on mine and continued to look me in the eyes.

His eyes are such a beautiful blue, I loved them.

"I promise to keep you safe nothing like this will happen again, I'm gonna make sure no one hurts you at all" He said. Before I could say anything he kissed me. God how I missed that kiss, so warm and minty always it was amazing. I felt someone push us apart.

it was my brother.

"Whoa there dude no kissing up on my sister"
I laughed. "Mark go away, this wouldn't be the first time we have or last time." I winked at Danny.
I pushed Mark away and grabbed Danny and pulled him close to me and gave him a big kiss just for my brother.


Danny and I were driving back from dinner and a movie. it was so much fun. we weren't watching the movie so much though we were to busy catching up.

Danny pulled up to my beach house and pulled into the garage. My parents let us use the car for the night while they went out and walked around the town and did some shopping.

I looked at Danny as the garage door shut, there was barely any light.

"Wanna come in?" I asked.
"Depends" he said.
"What do you mean?"

"If we pick up where we left off at the movies then I'd love to" he said with a laugh. I laughed too.

"Of course babe, c'mon in" I winked.

He got out of the car and ran to my side to open the door for me.

When we finally got inside it was pitch black, I held onto Danny's hand as I felt around trying to find the light switch to the hallway.

I finally found it.

I flicked it on and watch down the hallway into the living room and turned the light on in the living room.

When I flicked it on I was in shock the living room was trashed.

I know my parents didn't do this their neat freaks plus them and Mark have been out since an hour before I left on my date with Danny.

"Whoa what happened here" Danny said.

"I don't know"

I walked into the living and looked around, every thing was just ruined. the furniture was ripped and flipped over, the tv had a big hole in it almost like someone through something at it.

I then saw a note.

I picked it up and opened it.

Dear Isabella,

I've been watching you for quite sometime now, since you arrived I guess you could say. I bet you like the new remodeling I did to your living room, your parents are going to be so pissed at you cause of course they WILL think it was you but to see you suffer is amazing for me to see. but your probably wondering why I did this or who I am well I'm definitely not telling you who I am but I will tell you this stay away from my man Danny or else I will do more damage then just ruin your living room and that's a promise!

I'll be watching you Bella..

I got goosebumps reading it. a little part inside of me wanted to jump out and run far away, I was so scared. someone's been watching. who could possibly be watching me?

"Let me read it" Danny said.

I handed him the paper and he read it.

"Someone's gotta just be joking around with you trying to scare you" he said.

"No Danny you don't understand I don't know anyone else here, I've never talked to any else here but you and Paul, plus it's someone who knows you." I trailed off.

"Are you sure?"

"100 percent sure Danny I don't know anyone here, do you have any exes that maybe would've done this, maybe they were a bit off and needed help and you dumped them for some reason?.."

He stood there thinking.

"Oh God," he said, "i know who it is."


Hey guys there you go I promised I'd update a longer one tonight and I did so I hope you enjoyed it! Keep reading to find out what happens next. I'll try to update tomorrow! :)

My Twitter is @AshsGuurl tweet me, follow me, DM me whatever you want! :) XX

P.S. guys I've been so happy about how many reads I've been getting please keep reading and sharing to your friends about it. Thank you. :)

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