Chapter 11

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I called Mark into my room.
we were sitting on the edge of my balcony embracing the view.

"Thank you" I said
"Don't be ill always be here for you sis I love you"

My brother and I always had a different relationship then other brothers and sisters, we hardly fought and we weren't afraid to tell each other that we really do love each other instead of hiding it.

"I love you too bro"
we sat there in silence for awhile.
"Im sorry" I said
"No I'm sorry I acted so stupid and ruined everything" he said
"No you didn't you saved me from falling even harder for him and getting in more trouble; you didn't do anything wrong"
"Thanks Bella"
"You're welcome"

We talked a bit about well everything, it's been awhile since we've talked like this.

"Isabella" Someone said.
I looked down and saw Danny.
"Oh hey Danny what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Can I come up and talk?"
"Do I need to kick his ass too?" my brother asked.
I laughed.
"No Mark it's okay he's cool," I said, "Yeah come on up Danny"

Danny grabbed onto the vine on the balcony and climbed up.

I didn't think that vine was so sturdy I could've been sneaking out this whole time.

Danny finally got to the top and I helped him over.

I turned over to Mark.

"Umm Mark do you think you can give us some alone time to talk?"
"Alright but just remember kid I'm in the room next door and I have a baseball bat I'm not afraid to use"
"Mark go!" I yelled with a laugh

Mark walked out of my room after saying "I'm watching you" with intense eyes on Danny
I rolled my eyes.

we both sat on the edge of the balcony.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"I just wanted to let you know that Paul will be in the hospital for a week or two, he's got a broken rib from you kicking him"

did I really hit him that hard?

"did he call the police on my brother?"
"No he said wasn't going to and his parents didn't really care, I'm the one who had to call the ambulance in the first place"
"Yeah, but that took a lot of bravery to reject him I felt like the whole time you would forgive him and that you really love him"
"I hate him now and want nothing to do with him"
"Yeah I understand"
we sat in silence.
"Your so beautiful"
I was kinda shocked.
"Thanks but no"
"You are! Your probably the most beautiful girl I've met and you have an amazing personality, I just don't get how you didn't have a boyfriend before you came-" I cut him off with a kiss before he could say anything else.

his breath was really minty he must have just brushed his teeth before coming over.

the kiss seemed to last forever.
it was amazing.
he put his hand on my face and the other rested in my lap.
I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.
Our little kiss turned into a full out make out session.
it felt right.
like there was a spark almost.

I couldn't believe I was making out with Paul's best friend though, it felt so wrong but so right.

we finally broke the kiss and looked each other in the eyes.
"Go out with me tomorrow night?" He asked.
I didn't think much about it.
"Of course I'd love to"
"Great!" He said with a huge smile.
I laughed.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise"
"Please don't make it be a party, you know how it turned out last time"
"I'd never unless you wanted to"
He laughed.
"But uhh Danny don't you feel bad about all this? Paul is your best friend"
"Not at all, you guys weren't technically dating and it's obvious he didn't care about you that much, he wouldn't care if I stole you" he winked.
I laughed
"Well maybe you have a point.."
"I'll treat you so much better, like a princess"
I smiled.

this was perfect, just this moment..
I moved on..
to his best friend though..
and in such a short time...


Hey guys I decided to make it a Paul and Danny fanfic sorry! please don't hate me loves!

My Twitter is @AshsGuurl tweet me, follow me, or DM me whatever you want! :) X

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