Cosmopolitan October Issue Intervie wwith Heechul

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Was Kim Heechul originally like this? Did he laugh easily, talk in high tones, answer with many words to each questions, and act bright and kindly to everyone like this before? Our trip to Singapore with 'Kind Heechul-ssi' starts now. - Contributing Editor Im
Kyung Mi

How do you feel after returning from the army? It's been a long time since your last photo-shoot so this must feel different.

 ♥ Ah... I still feel dazed, and I like everything. I can't tell if we're in Korea, overseas, or in space, because I've only been inside the hotel so far, but I like how I have time to relax like this. In past photo-shoots, I found it hard to smile; now, I find it hard to not to smile. But I don't know when I'll change, so be tense.

You looked like you're really enjoying the schedule in Singapore.

  ♥I am really happy to have this time. The staffs worked well with me too. I liked everything except for the little rain. It's been so long, so I thought (the photo-shoot) would take a long time, but it ended very quickly. I thought 'Ah, right. I'm Kim Heechul. I used to do (photo-shoots) very well. Why was I worried?' and felt relieved. Hahaha. I was really happy, so I was able to smile a lot, relax, and talk a lot.

You have been in (Singapore) many times for concerts, but how does it feel like to be here without members? Do you feel more relaxed?

I think this is the first time I was able to truly feel Singapore. When we came for concerts, we were only able to go to the concert venue and (hotel). Yesterday I went to an amusement park. I realized for the first time how great Singapore is. And another thing different from past is, when I heard that fans are waiting for me at the airport, I really wanted to see them. I was excited to know that I'll be able to see them greet me and welcome me. I said "I want to at least see their faces", and manager hyung was really surprised. In past, I really hatedgetting my clothes ripped and hair pulled, and felt that it was too much. I didn't know I'd miss my fans' greetings. I guess you really only look for water when you are thirsty. I felt it again, if someone does not adore me,I would go crazy. I have to receive
attention to live. That's Kim Heechul.

The tone you use to do interview has gone up high. Is your throat hurting?

 ♥It's okay to talk softly. I'm fine right now. I'm (talking in high tone) because I like it, so don't try to
stop my passion. Hahaha. Already released from army.

Wow,time flies. But I heard you get angry when you hear people say that?

 ♥Ah, really! I thought the time from our debut to (before enlistment) went by quickly, but why won't the 2 years in army service flow fast~

Were you waiting for the release day by crossing out dates with 'X' marks on calendars?

 ♥Ai~ I didn't want to do such miserable things. Hehe

You looked really happy on the release day with your award in your hands.

 ♥ I was sent to public service due to the injuries from a car accident, but I knew
going to public service, as a celebrity, wouldn't receive kind feedbacks. I thought I shouldn't be so proud and excited, and wanted to leave quietly. So I was going to do simple greetings to fans and reporters there and leave. But... It was the first award certificate I've received in my life, so I guess I
wasn't able to control my emotions. It really was my first time receiving an award certificate. I didn't know I was smiling. I looked at the pictures later and thought 'Is this really me?' because I was smiling so much.

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