131120 From ISSports Interview with Kim Heechul

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 131120 From ISSports Interview with Kim Heechul:

-You recently did a cosplay event at Incheon airport for Super Junior Debut 8th anniversary. How do you feel about 8th anniversary?

"I don't feel anything. In 5th anniversary, I felt surprised, 'Wa! We endured 5 years', but I feel nothing about 8th anniversary. If you look at couples, it's the first 100 days, 200 days anniversarys that are important and 3rd 5th anniversary aren't as important. I think it's same logic as that. We've been through a lot of trials, so I do think many times about 'how many more years will Super Junior go on?'. The conclusion we came up with is 'If we trust in each other, we'll be able to (go on) till we grow old and die'. There are many groups that disband because they couldnt trust each other, or have a dispute with their company. How long we'll be able to continue depends on our faith (in each other). Members know that well."

-Are there any rules members have to keep the trust?

"Yes. We promised not to get tangled in 'woman' problems. If a member were to say 'she's cute' while watching TV, another member cannot approach her even if (the first member) weren't going to date her. It may sound weird, but to be honest, the girl's opinion doesn't matter. Even if she likes another member, for us, the first person to choose has the authority. We also talk about 'let's not make troubles/accidents.' But I think that's hard to control as a human."

-Goal as Super Junior, and a personal goal?

"Cool side? New music? I don't need any of those. I just wish Super Junior will continue for a long time. We've already done 'cool' and 'cute' as much as we wanted. We've been 'Presidents of Elementary Kids' with 'Miracle', and have experienced global popularity with 'Sorry Sorry'. Now our goal is for Super Junior to have activities for a long time. (All) Members can renew their contract with the company, or not. But that's not what's important to us. No matter what the situation is, we don't want to fight with each other, and continue working happily for a long time. Even if Super Junior isn't able to do activities, I want to keep the relationship with members. I've been through everything with the members since I was little. I don't even want to imagine parting from members who knows me the best. I may not be the best singer yet, but I've done everything I've wanted. So I don't have a personal goal. I wish Super Junior would continue enjoying doing activities, for a long time."

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