SMTown KakaoTalk (From SMWeek Exhibition) [Translation

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-How are members doing these days?
sungmin: busy preparing for musical ttm performances
shindong: have been on diet for past 9 years!!!
EunHyuk: Always thinking about you all~
Kangin: Working hard on filming 'Cat Funeral'!
Donghae: Busy these days working on Donghae&Eunhyuk album and end of year concert!
Ryeowook: Spending time practicing everyday
Kyuhyun: Practicing for Moon that Embraces the Sun and end of year concert
Heechul: In the midst of going back to being a celebrity~~
Siwon: I finished movie 'Helios' filming well and is doing well these days. I'm also preparing for something new~

-Super Junior is always full of energy. Any secrets/tips?
Sungmin: members are originally overflowing w energy~^^
EunHyuk: Because we have your love~~^^
shindong: because of me~~~?!
Kangin: positive thoughts. Present is the best moment!
Donghae: Maybe because we work to think positive in every situations?
RyeoWook: I am happy everyday because of your love
Kyuhyun: we have many members, and they're all funny.
Heechul: because we fight often...^o^
Siwon: power of being thankful and having positive mind

-How does SJ handle stress?
Sungmin:find something tasty
EunHyuk: Eat what I want,as much as I want.Then watch TV!
Shindong:eating~^^ then diet!
Kangin: Meeting friends and talking~^^
Donghae: Make songs when I'm stressed~
RyeoWook: Watching 'Food X File', 'Hello'
Kyuhyun: Game
Heechul: Finding tasty restaurants, wine with friends
Siwon: Eating pizza with toppings that suit my taste, 'Choi Siwon Pizza'

-Christmas presents you want?
Sungmin: I don't want anything~
Shindong: Becoming skinny~
Kangin: candles
Donghae: Gas (coupon to pump gas for car)
Ryeowook: Girlfriend ^^ just kidding, I only need ELF~
Kyuhyun: Freetime
Heechul: Gold, cash, gas(same as hae)
Siwon: A round trip ticket to Israel

-'super junior's airport fashion' is a hot topic. What do you want to challenge dressing up as for Christmas?
Sungmin: I want to focus more to the concert and become more 'dartagnan'-like
Eunhyuk: Stewardess uniform
Shindong: Gandhi
Kangin: I want to ride real rudolf to the airport
Donghae: I don't really want...
Ryeowook: I want to stop kk
Kyuhyun: None~
Heechul: Of course for winter, bikini!
Siwon: wise man(magi)

-You are in midst of world tour. What moment do you remember the most, or was very happy about?
Sungmin: We went to many countries we visited for first time. Every moment was precious.
Eunhyuk: South America tour. We also traveled while doing the tour so I remember it more.
Shindong: Korea!
Kangin: South America tour. They really welcomed us though it was our first time visiting their countries.
Donghae: I remember all the countries~~!
Ryeowook: This question is the hardest~ㅠ first is remembered the most so...^^ i remember all the countries we went for the first time
Kyuhyun: the moment when fans did a wave! I can remember greatness of it.
Heechul: I was added in the middle of the tour..ㅠ..ㅠ
Siwon: the South America tour we went for first time~^^

-what is elf to you?
Kangin: soulmate
Heechul: my kids/babies
Eunhyuk: jewel
Siwon: heart
Sungmin: everlasting friends!
Kyuhyun: everlasting friends
Shindong: the reason why ive always been on a diet for past 9 years! (i want to become pretty)
Ryeowook: just as the word says, everlasting friends~ let's always be together~

-if there was a time machine, what time would you go back to?
Sungmin: 1986/Jan/1st
Eunhyuk: i like the present time most
Shindong: 10 years into the future! i want an invented it machine!
Kangin: i want to go back to when grandmother was alive
Donghae: 1997, when i was in 5th grade... i think i was most happy back then.
Kyuhyun: year 0. just curious
Ryeowook: reply 1994 kk ! when i was in 1st grade~ i remember it was my first time dancing 룰라's dance…^^
Heechul: 2005 11 06 waiting room of first broadcast
Siwon: 2030. i am curious about what and where I will be

-how do you want to spend the year's end?
Sungmin: just like any average day
Eunhyuk: i will watch end of year awards on tv and plan for next year
Shindong: diet
Kangin: i have no plans yet but I think i will be at where i'm needed!
Donghae: i want to have good time with my family
Ryeowook: to be honest, i like having schedules~i think i'd be lonely w/o schedules. after schedules, will spend time w my family~~^^
Kyuhyun: with loved ones, exciting party time!
Heechul: game
Siwon: i will spend the time well to end the year well

-Wishes for 2014?
Sungmin: family's health~~^^
Eunhyuk: i want to show many good songs and stages!
Shindong: finishing diet kkk
Kangin: i hope everyone that knows me will be healthy~
Donghae: 2014 with Super Junior^^
Ryeowook:love more, be healthier, &happier in 2014~
Kyuhyun: health, and i hope to meet many more fans in 2014!
Heechul: receiving LOL Challengers title
Siwon: i hope we have the strength again in 2014 to get right back up when we feel tired and worn out.

(Translation By:@youngwoonjungsu | Posted by NKSubs)

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