Thinking About Her

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next day

Grayson's pov

After that night, I couldn't get her off my mind.  She looked so beautiful.  I started to remember those times we had together.  How much fun we had together, the laughs we had, the hard times.  I just wanted to see her again. 

oh my god, what are you saying?
you have a girlfriend
snap out of it!

But, on the one hand, I didn't meet Liana unintentionally.

We met each other because we were assigned to do photoshoots together.  After high school, I became a model and I still do Youtube videos with Ethan, but not as much.  I also became an actor, even though it's for very small roles.  That's basically what I ended up doing and found out that's what I love.  Anyways, me and Liana were like the idol pair for our modeling business.  Eventually, our photographers and bosses told us that we should become official for publicity.  So we got to know each other more and I guess we just became a thing.  I wonder now, was it a good choice?

Seeing Gabi that night, made me totally regret leaving her that night of he incident.  I thought all those feelings I had for her were gone....but I guess they were just hiding....

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