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kairos (n.)
-a propitious moment for decision or action.


Grayson's pov

Today was the day. I'm going to invite Gabi over for dinner. Tonight is when I'm going to tell her how I truly feel. I called her this morning and told her to come to my house at 8:00. She was uneasy to accept, but she eventually did. I was so excited, but so nervous. I was getting goosebumps just thinking about it....

Gabi's pov

I finished work and making new designs for my line. I got a call from Grayson this morning saying he wanted me to come to his house at 8:00 tonight. He said it was important. I was kind of uneasy about it, but I remembered I needed to tell him how I feel. I wanted to tell him the truth...


It's 7:00 and I was ready to go. It was so rainy tonight, it was gross. I jumped into my car and went on my way.


I finally got to his house and went up to the front door. I just stood there, in the rain, looking at the door.

I don't know what to say
What if I panic?
What if I humiliate myself?
I'm so nervous
I hope he still feels the same way
I love him so much
It's okay calm down

Before I knew it, Grayson opened the door and we stared at each other.

"Oh my god, Gabi, come inside, you're soaking wet."

He grabbed my hand and led me inside. I walked into his house and it was so nice and clean. It's not like the typical Grayson, everything on the floor. Haha typical Grayson. He had his longboard in his living room. I remember I would see him use it around school. He had so many lights and cameras around. Those were probably for his videos.

He looked over at me and looked at the floor behind me and chuckled. I left a trail of water. Ugh, how embarrassing.

"Oh! Sorry Grayson, here I'll clean it up."

"NO! No, it's okay, I'll do that, you can go into my room and just change into some clothes of mine, you know, that are...dry."

We both laughed and I walked into his room. I took a shower and dried myself up. I picked out some nice comfy clothes. I put them on and I was in heaven. They smelled like him, his cologne. You know, like, when you're in a relationship and your boyfriend gives you hoodies and stuff. Yeah, I loved that.

I took a look around his room a bit and found old pictures. I found a lot of him with his brother. Awe, I missed Ethan. Grayson told me that he's somewhere right now on a business trip. There were some of him from high school. Oh my god, this is precious. There was one that really caught my eye. It was hanging on top of his wall mirror. It was of picture of him....and me? It was from our first date....

I can't believe he kept this...

I started to blush. I didn't know why he kept it, but that's just...amazing really. We looked so young and happy, I kind of wanted to be back in high school again, where everything was not soo....complicated.

I walked out of the room and Grayson was sitting on a couch waiting for me. He stood up and took a good look at me.

"Wow, you look, adorable, you look good in my clothes..."

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