The Talk and The Memories

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"Lapis! J-just listen to me!! I'm sorry for doing those awful stuff to you I just... Its just Yellow Diamond informed me to check on how the cluster was doing." Peridot said as I tried to ignore her. I am still pissed off at her for not even giving me a chance to reason with her. She just... Ignored me and continued what Yellow Diamond said. I never want to see her again. Ugh but here we are and here I am trying to ignore her.

I turn around and look at Peridot with a annoyed look on my face. "Look, Peridot. I dont want to talk right now. Can't you just leave it alone. You really hurt me." I said as I turned around again. I spread out my water wings, about to fly, when all of a sudden, "I'm sorry. I... I wish you could forgive me but there is no turning back now I guess. I really did love you. I... I guess I wanted to--" she stopped and cried in my arms. I didn't know what to do.

I was stuck. I know she didn't mean to but she did and I cant forgive her. I want to forgive her soo bad. Watching her like this makes me sad and I want her to be happy. "Hey... Its ok. You dont have to cry. I know you didnt mean to. I know what you had to do was for Yellow Diamond but its alright." she looked up at me, still having tears in her eyes. "Can I go now?" I asked politely and she let me go. I flew away. I didnt know where I was going. I just wanted to be alone. I cried while flying and I couldnt help it. She means everything to me.

I cleared the tears away and continued to fly. I went into a cave and slept there for the day. It made me sad that Peridot is like this. I just want her to be happy. I started to cry again. As to that, I went to sleep crying.

The next day, Peridot and I had a fight again. "Why cant you forgive me?!?!?! I want you to forgive me and you wont!"

"I told you Peridot! I cant forgive you! I can never forgive you!!" I tried to reason with her. She gave me attitude and was explaining our relationship which brought me to think of the memories of us.


I barely got back to homeworld and everything looked soo different. New technology, new gems, even new colonized areas that we can transport to. It was different. I loved it all. That was when I was informed by Blue Diamond to help her escape Earth at once. Yellow Diamond gave me permission to go but she told me to take troops with me.

There I was, on the way to Earth. I wondered how it looked like, Earth. Sounds so amazing. I wanted to explore but I was on a mission. We arrived on Earth and there she was, Blue Diamond. The ship that we arrived in was only due to go to any planet and not return to homeworld. We had to build a galaxy warp in order to go to homeworld. It was our way out of here, but in order to do that, we had to build the warp pad.

I was a water based type of gem so i was sent to build the galaxy warp pad in the middle of the ocean. It only took me a couple of hours but I had it done. I covered it with water and froze the water. Then I left it there for a couple of hours to feeeze it together. I built other warp pads to different locations that were in Earth. Knowing that Blue Diamond was coming here in a rush, I built it as fast as I can. Once I was finished, I informed Blue Diamond that the warp pad was done. That was the day I met Peridot. Blue Diamond said that I was her informant until further notice. We hung for a period of time and it was fun hanging out with her.

It was nice and peaceful in Earth. I wish I went here. I wish I lived here. It was so nice here on Earth, so peaceful. Unfortunately, things weren't so peaceful when the rebels, the "Crystal Gems," came and everyone had to flee.

We all fled at once and made it safely back to Homeworld. With the new technology on Homeworld, I was unable to understand any of it. So, I asked for help. "E-excuse me," I asked a gem, looked like an emerald kind of gem but I wasnt sure. "Can you help me with this new technology?" I asked.

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