Battling Two Stones

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So I know that this story is turning out to be bad a little but I swear I'm trying to make up new ideas each week and month. Its kinda hard with all my ideas taken away. Not all at least. Also, I know that my combat parts are becoming bad as well and I might make a book this is the last week for SU so enjoy the last episodes. I really don't want it to end. Anyway, here is another chapter. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Also I should have put this pic while Steven was in his gem.

I couldn't face Peridot any longer. Stevonnie had to take on Peridot herself. I had to run away and cry in shame that I can't defeat Peridot. Eventually, I will get over it and have to face her again. Maybe now if everyone gets defeated.

I'm still hung up on what Peridot said to me. It means she is still there. I can bring her back.


"Let me go!! Look I know we had our problems in the past but just let me go!! Peridot yelled out while I was in shock. I held in my tears but couldn't hold them in for long.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you go Peri!" I said to her as she just looked at me in fear. Right then and there, she got angry and changed back to that dark green color. Becoming evil again.

End Flashback~~

I cried at that memory. It just kept replaying in my head. I just kept banging my head with my hand.

1 hour later~~

After crying my eyes out, I look outside and saw that the Gems were getting real tired. Especially Stevonnie. I went to help in their aid. I couldn't hold back. First I started with Jasper. Opal tried shooting Jasper but Jasper was too quick and was able to knock Opal off her feet. Garnet on the other hand was trying to stop Jasper from rolling. While Opal made a huge boom landing, I went in to aid them and summon my water wings to fly into battle. When I got there, Garnet looked over to me and then back to Jasper.

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