Finding Peridot

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Ok so, all of my SU fans in here reading, have you guys seen the new leaked clips? Im not going to spoil it cuz i aint no spoiler. Anyway, another chapter on its way so yeah. I cant wait for the new episodes. Sucks that they are coming to an end though. Ok. Have fun reading this chapter.

I was worried about Peridot. There is still no sign of Jasper but I fear the day may come where they unite and take over. No! No negative thoughts.

I began to drift off to sleep in my bed. It was night time so I had a reason to sleep. There was nothing much about my dream. Just the same thing as usual, me flying with dogcopter and stuff. I loved dreaming. It was fun to dream.

Before I can wake up though, I was being dragged to the ground like if someone wanted me to stay. I thought of something to make the thing dragging me stop. I then flew to the light and woke up. I was sitting up, breathing heavily.

I didnt tell anyone about my dream since nothing big happened. Also because the Crystal Gems were off to some mission up the north mountain. Somehow, they think Jasper is up there but I am not one to believe.
By the time they got back, Garnet had a gem inside a bubble saying she was going to burn it or shatter it or something. I tried stopping her but she entered her room before I could get to her. Pearl looked at me angry for some apparent reason. Amethyst was look through the fridge as usual. I look back at Pearl and she was looking at me with a serious look.

I dont know what I did wrong but looks like Im going to know now. In 3. 2. 1.

"Steven!" She yelled. "Why did you went up the North mountain?! You know you werent suppose to, especially when Peridot is out there doing whatever she is doing! Look I dont want you to get hurt but you have to stay." she explained.

Wait what? I went up the North mountain? I dont remember that. What the hell was I doing there? I tried explaining to Pearl that I never went there but she just kept interrupting me.

Before I could tell her, she went to her room. "GREAT!! I never went up the freakin mountain!" I screamed out loud. Amethyst took her head out of the fridge and looked over to me. She seemed to be shocked. I gasped and looked at myself I was a teenager even though I was. Im 14 but I still looked like a kid. So this time, when I got angry, I turned to a 16 year old teen. Oh no. Calm down. Think of fun stuff.

"Woah. Dude! Nice. Although we have to do something about thw face and them legs hahaha." Amethyst said. I looked at her with anger and upset all together in one look. She looked at me questionably like if she was trying to make out of what Im doing to my face.

Sometime later, Connie came by. She looked tired from running. "You gotta check this out!" she said all tired.

We ran outside and saw all the commotion. It was someone new. Someone who came into town. Someone we have always knew. It was J-Jasper?

"What does she want?!" Amethyst yelled.

"I-I dont know." I said. As we git closer, everyone seemed to turn to us. They all had greenish blue eyes and seemed like they were being controlled. I looked at them curiously as we walk through the crowd.

"Ah Rose! What a surprise to see you. You must be terrified now. Oh how you are going to get pass me if you cant hurt these munks. Looks like you are going to have to fight your way iut of this one. Ha! End this now Rose!" Jasper said as she clutched her hands. I looked at her in anger and I was going to speak but Amethyst spoke for me.

"Hey! Leave these people alone. We defeated you once. Also where is your little pet? Maybe it ran away--" she was interrupted by Jasper.

"Of course it ran away. Or maybe its in my hand." She showed the gem to us and we gasped as she was crushing it with her bare hands. "Now. Back to business. Rose, I will crush you myself.' she said.

"You will never get passed me! And Im not Rose! My name is STEVEN!!" I yelled. She backed away a little looking shocked. We ran through the crowd as they try to swing at us. We had to hit them to get to Jasper. Sorry Lars, Sour Cream, Kiki, Jenny, Buck, everyone else.

Once we reached Jasper, she tried swinging but I popped my shield in front of her and she directly hit the shield, causing the ground to break down a little and with a ringing noise. It also caused a vibration which seemed to snap all the people back to reality. They started to panick and run away.

Jasper had a smile on her face. Why? Connie tried swinging at her but couldnt hit Jasper at all. Her speed was too fast. It has improved over time. Finally, Jasper hits Connie and Connie comes rolling to the ground and I yell out Connie's name. I ran to her and looked at her. She was alive still. Ok. I looked up at Jasper with a look of hate and anger. Right then and there, I wanted to pop her and shatter her and throw all the pieces of her out in the ocean but that wouldnt be right. The best thing to do was to fuse with Amethyst but I couldnt fuse with any of the gems so I had to take the sword out of Connie's hands. I will avenge tou Connie, even if you are not dead.

I had my shield ready and the sword ready too. Jasper came in a beam and tried punching me but I was quick enough to block her attack and take a swing. It scratched her on the face and she looked at me with many pure souls of anger in her eyes. I had no effect on fear right now. My anger was based on her and only her. She hurt my Connie and I want to return the favor.

I ran to Jasper as fast as I can and jumped up in the air. She activated her helmet as I dove down to take a swing. She knew I was coming. "Amethyst! WHIP NOW!!" I commanded. She dis exactly that and Jasper looked surprised at her. Before she has time to react, I swung my sword. It landed where I wanted to land it on. She was in pain. I heard her groaned out loud. Connie was conscious again. I look at her in surprise. I almost had tears in my eyes as I saw her getting up. "W..." She looked around confused and noticed me and Jasper next to me. "Steven!!!" She screamed as she points at Jasper behind me. I gasped and took a beating. I fall hard on the ground and it seems like the beating wasnt finished. Jasper comes at me again and again while I try activating my bubble.

Suddenly, Jasper was stopped by Garnet. "Garnet. . ." I say weak. Pearl came rushing to me as did Connie. They examine me as I was passing out. I heard one them before passing out. It was all muffled.

"Steven... No! Know that I love you..." I heard Connie say. I was now gone for a couple of minutes. It felt like that.


I woke up on the ground and questioned myself where I was. When I got a better view of where I was, I looked to Steven and J-Jasper... Jasper seemed to be heading for Steven. I warned Steven but it was too late. Amethyst tried stopping Jasper with her whip. It seemed like nothing was working. Just as all hopes were gone, Garnet and Pearl came rushing in. Garnet took on Jasper while Pearl and I ran to Steven. He was damaged badly as you can see the many bruises and scars he had on his face and arms.

"Steven... No! Know that I love you..." I say as I cried on him. Before I could lay a tear on his shirt, he had poofed. I was in pure shock and terror when that happened.

"Pearl?" I looked to her as she was in shock too. "Pearl?" I asked again as I start crying. She seemed to have tears and she held her hands up her mouth.

Jasper managed to escape again and everyone surrounded Steven. We were all worried about him. Lapis came to visit him but noticed that he was all poofed. She froze as soon as she just saw his gem sit there.

She's been like that for a few minutes before breaking down. "Its my fault! Its my fault that he is like this!" She says to herself. She even said it in front of the Crystal Gems. Garnet seemed to be in all kinds of stage. First was anger next was sadness and later it was interrogating Amethyst. I took some of what she had to say to me too. She seemed to take this hard.

Its been hours and he still hasnt returned. I was starting to get scared. Everyone was. Garnet said that we might have to bubble him if he doesnt come back in the next few days. I was afraid to lose him. I always think of him every night I go to sleep. I have begun to stop eating because of him taking long. I only ate once a day now.

It seemed as if I was clung to him for life because I begun to tell him about my days and how it went. I still had sword training with Pearl but it wasnt the same that much. I fear everyday that they might bubble him. I didnt want to lose him. Not yet at least.

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