The Secret is Out

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Steven came by today. He was helping Peridot. Mostly Peridot. I wonder how long Peridot has been on Earth. That was the question that was in my head right now. She has proven herself that something bad happened with Yellow Diamond because they sent a bunch of Rubies on this planet. The other day, Steven showed me where I can live. He kept going on about me staying... Again. I know I said I would want to stay but Peridot keeps bothering me. I feel like where ever I go, she would be there. Its probably my head playing tricks on me. Steven taught me that your brain or in other words, head, can play tricks with you.

Its probably me. Im probably still hung over Peridot.


I spreaded out my water wings to fly back to Peridot. She was still waiting for me at the same spot. Before I got to her, I got a message from Blue Diamond. A request. A request? Another message came and this time it was Yellow Diamond. She voice recorded herself saying that I have 48 hours to tell Peridot that she is being reassigned to another gem. Until then, I will have to give Yellow Diamond updates.

I turned off the message board that was being hologrammed by this watch. Peridot gave it to me. She said it will inform me on quest and updates and other stuff.

I landed next to Peridot with an upset look. I try to hide it but I think Peridot noticed because she looked at me with a strange and curious face.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"N-nothing!!" I reacted too fast on that question.

She gave me a confused look and said "O..k.." I dont want to reveal the truth to her. Besides, I have 2 days until the reveal. So I will try to tell her before.


I walked by Peridot today and she seemed really out of it. For some reason she reminded me of that flashback. Her face was curious and strange for some reason. I walked over to her and asked "What's wrong?" She didnt tell me.

"Peridot?" I asked. All of a sudden, I hear a hush come out of her. RUDE! Its not like her to hush people like that... Although I have my doubts.

"Hey--" I got interupted by Peridot again. "Shhh," she said, "get down and listen carefully. What do you hear?" She pulled my arm and I was swung straight to the ground with an "uff" sound. Again, RUDE! I did exactly what she said and listen carefully. "I-I dont hea--" That is when I heard something. It was kinda like a rumbling sound although I couldnt make out of what it was. I hear it coming closer and closer until it came to a complete stop.

I had feared it was under us and to that guess, I stood up quickly and backed away slowly. Peridot looked at me while I kept going back.

"Lapis?" she asked worriedly.

"Peridot," I said with concerned. "Get out of that spot!" I said to her, too terrified what was going to happen. When Peridot stood up, a huge monster gem came from underground, chewing on Peridot's feet and pulling her in the ground. I screamed. "PERIDOT!!!!" I completely almost broke down when the thing took her. I ran to the hole and there she was being dragged down with the monster.

My face was too terrified and I felt like I couldnt move any inch of my body. That was when I felt a hand behind me. I turned around and saw a gem mutant behind me. I fought my way out, looking for a place to run. When I couldnt run, I tried summoning water hands to smash the mutant but it was already too late. The gem mutant pushed me down the hole while it was still on top of me. It tried to make me retreat into my gem but I refused to retreat.

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