Part 7

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Since that day a week ago when mason "showered" with me , he's almost always by my side.
And not in the romantic interest kinda way, no, in the way that he wants to annoy me every waking second of my life.

"Yo short stuff little late today dontcha think?" Mason swings a arm around my shoulders as we walk thru a empty hall.

"I didn't sleep well" I narrow my eyes at him and pull myself away from him so his arm drops.

"How bout I take your mind off it" he winked at me and I roll my eyes.

"How about not"

"Come on shortie you're already five minutes late to school and will most likely get detention might as well be an hour late go get food with me get a detention" he states like he's the king of good ideas.
I think on it a moment thinking back to when that was my life motto and I usually never made on time to school due to my two best friends and our teenage angst.

"Come onnn what's a little fun gunna hurt?" He ask making a puppy dog face and I cave not really wanting to go to school anyway.

"Yassss lit" he exclaims and I look at him like he's crazy and shake my head.

"Never say those words again."

"Got it shortie"
"Stop calling me short to while you're at it"

"You wish shortie" he says with a smug grin as we make our way out of school and to where I assume will be his vehicle.

"Where's your car ?" I ask and he laughs like I'm making a joke. This is not a game mason!
"There she is " he points at the only thing I can see; a motorcycle.

"For fucksakes must you be so cliche ?" I ask as we walk to the bad boys ride.

"Sorry it's in my bad ass nature and could you really see me driving around in a Volvo ? The answers no now hope on" he swings leg over the thing and I stand there bitting my lip.

It's not like I'm scared I'm not trust me but I'm slightly worried how my damaged heart will react to this death ride.

Sucking up my worries I step forward about to get but mason stops my small form and pulls me closer to him and straps a helmet to my head then gives me the right away.

I pull myself onto the Motercycle and wrap my arms around Mason's waist tightly not wanting to fall.

"Hold on tight shortie" he tells me before starting the damn thing and we're off.

After riding alon for who knows how long we finally stop at what looks like a park area.

"Where are we?" I ask once he turns the motercycle off and we dismount, my chest slightly hurting  .

"I introduce to you shortie, Evergreen park "
"Uh cool..." I say awkwardly and twist my fingers together.

"You even haven't seen  the cool yet" he says grabbing my hand in his and pulling me into the park that's littered with trees and hills and paths.

We walk for what seems like forever with him singing the Pokemon show theme song just to ignore me.
"I wanna be the very best that no one ever was" he sings dramatically as I roll my eyes.

"To bad you suck" I let out a lame insult.

" you can't even understand how hurt I am" he says in mock hurt holding his chest as he continues walking.

  I just roll my eyes at his antics and let him guid me deeper into the park.

"Okay Im gunna need to to close your eyes for this last part of the journey" he says as we walk up to the edge of a Forrest.

What the ? Does he think I've never seen a horror movie ?

" no thank you I like seeing where I'm going"

"To bad so sad you'll thank me once you see my surprise" mason lets out a smug smirk like he already knows he's right.
"Fine I don't like living anyway" I say and stick my tongue out at him and close my eyes .... Or do he thinks.

"Just to make sure you're not peaking" and a hand is now covering my upper face, how lovely.

I grumble in response as he starts leading me in to the woods aka my death.

After maybe hours we finally stop, my chest pounding from all the walking .. Wow I should really work out.... Or get a new heart.
"Okay you ready?" He asks positioning me sideways.
"I was born ready" I mutter trying to get this over with.

"Wait! Drum roll please." I pause Boeing he won't let me see until he gets the goddamn drum roll so I start patting my thighs in a drum roll.

My eyes burn from the natural outside light for a moment then adjust.
And wow.
Infront of me is a lagoon I guess you could call it maybe?
I don't know but it starts on a hill that falls into a waterfall into a pond with crystal clear water and plant like surrounding it.

"Woah how'd you find this" i ask as I walk to the water.

"My mom use to take me here before the park closed but now it's just all forgotten" he says almost sadly but srugs it off.

"Well thanks for bringing me here I guess " I smile and lean down to touch the water that's freezing to the touch.

"Anytime shortie"

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