"Sweetie wake up time for school" a voice I recognize as my moms says making me groan and roll over.

"Gimme a hour" I mumble sighing into my pillow.

"There's a young man at the door who says he's your ride to school today"she says making my eyes open wide and I sit up on my bed to look out the window to the front yard.
And as I expected there his bike sits I. The drive way.

"Tell him to fuck off I can walk"I say getting out of bed and walk to my closet to get dressed.

" okay sweetie and don't forget to take your medicine" she reminds me just like everyday.
"Eye eye captain" I mutter as she exits the room shutting the door behind her.
How nice.
I get dressed in black skinny jeans a white halter top that shows the slightest of my stomach and a oversized flannel I check myself in the mirror and just shrug at my messy curly hair not bothering to fix it and take all my colorful pills before heading down stairs.
"And she's alive" someone says as I make my way into the kitchen.
I scowl once I see the origin of the voice . Mason hill you motherfucker.

"Mom I thought I told you to tell him to fuck off" I whine to her but she just smiles and continues cooking breakfast.
"I did but he was very keen on seeing you so I decided to let him in for breakfast"

I send a glare to my mom and then one to mason who sat there with a smug smile eating pancakes.

"These are delicious pancakes mrs.styles" mason says being the kids up he is ... I just hope mom doesn't fall for his shit.

"awe no need to kiss up kid I already let you inside to see Brook" she smiles at him making me almost choke on air by her words. God my mom is such queen sometimes.

"Uh oh uh- " mason started to mumble but I stopped his surprised little moment bye stepping in.
" well with that I'm off to school love ya mom" I say kissing her cheek then walk to the exit.
" honey what about breakfast" she calls out to me but I just tell her I'll get some at school then walk out the front door.

"Aye wait up shortie" mason calls from behind me as I'm walking past the drive way.

"What?" I ask turning around only to smack right into a wall aka mason.

"Ride with me" he said not even asking just telling me.
I wasn't in the mood so I just sighed and let him lead me to his bike then hop of after him.

Today was a day I regret getting on that piece of shit bike with mason.
All Because after the short  five minute ride to school my chest was on fire and  no amount of oxygen would help.

The bike was stopped but I couldn't make a move to get off or even unwrap my arms from around Mason's torso.
I just squeezed my eyes shut hoping the burning pain would just past but with every take of breath it just burned more and more.

"You know you can let go now shortie" mason says after a few second of turning off the bike.
"S-sorry" I curse myself for stuttering and then slowly pull away my arms the action making my chest ignite in pain but I tried to pass it off and climb off the bike.

"It's okay If you wanted to hold me you could have just asked" he joked but I didn't find it to funny at the moment and just nodded my head at him.

"Hey are you okay?" All the cheekiness was gone from his voice as his eyes took me in my face was probably pale and I could feel the sweat all over my skin.

Snapping out of it for a second I smile at him " I'm fine um im just gunna leave now bye"

With that I turn away from him and walk the opposite way of classes and off  campus.

Once safely on my own on the foot path in the woods I grabbed my emergency pills from my bag and popped two of them swallowing them dry.
   And they wouldn't even start working for twenty to thirty minutes. Great.

I sit down against a tree and pull my knees to my chest leaning my head down on the tops of them trying to take small deep breaths.

Maybe I was having a heart attack... The doctors all said it was a high chance of premature heart failure and high risk of heart attacks, huh didn't think it'd happen so soon but that's okay. I don't mind that much.

  Soon the pain increases slightly and my tears start pooling on my jeans.
It feels like hours just sitting here crying silently but has only been minutes.

I hear my name being called but block it out trying to focus on my breathing.

I can tell who it is with out even looking mason. That dick berry. I don't understand why he does this; comes looking for me when I don't want to be found, trying to be my friend or whatever it's useless I'm useless.

  I'm ashamed of the tears falling onto my knees as a rough hand touches my shoulder. He shouldn't be seeing me like this.... No one should.

  "Shit what's wrong" he asks holding his arm around my shoulders and I just shake my head no against my knees.

  "Brook what's wrong?" He ask shaking me slightly and I let out a small cry on accident as my chest lurches.

With that mason pulls me onto his lap making my legs stretch out and I bury my head in his chest so he doesn't see me cry, I couldn't bother with fighting him at the moment so I accepted the comfort.

So that's how we sat for the next forty minutes or so with my head in his neck and his arms around me pulling me to him  in a way that soothed the ache in my chest yet made my heart race faster then it ever had before.

Once in a life time Where stories live. Discover now